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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Friday, October 28, 2005


But Bush ignores it. No sense in listening to any of the "opining" and "background noise". He hasn't cared what anyone thought so far, why start now?
I have to say that I am amazed in his ability to repeat himself until people start to believe what he is saying.
I am also amazed that he can still get away with his lies. Just listen to what he says and know that the opposite is what he means.
When he said " I don't think America should get involved in nation building" it meant we are going to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and prop up crony capitalism there.
When he said that his Clear Skies legislation would make the air more breathable it meant that he was going to clear the skies of all living things. It meant that we would see an increase in particulates, mercury, and greenhouse gases.
No Child Left Behind... Well I think you get it. No?

Average percentage of students in New York State's majority-white school districts who graduate in four years : 79[The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)]

Average percentage who do so in districts where a majority of students are black or Latino : 40[The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)]

So no white rich child left behind should be the name of his program.

But I'm getting off topic.

Back to the indictment...

It should come as no surprise that Scooter is a scary looking white guy. He's old and cranky looking, driven around Washington by a black man (see the trickle down effect in action) scowling must be a job requirement to work for the President er.. Dick Cheney I mean.
He is going to resign so if you have been rich and are practiced in the art of scowling and sneering I think Cheney has a job for you. Experience with treason is a plus.

Listen to Bush and you will hear nothing but the same pablum he has been cramming down your throat for the last two months. Word for word, almost.
The best way to honor those troops who have died in Iraq is to send more to die so that their numbers become insignificant. Cut spending on social programs, but let corporations get away with ditching their pension plans. More spending! More invasions!
I hope I wake up soon.

I wish my brother would come out and visit me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Another Review of History

Stew's recent post of his version of history and politics made me think of how to best respond.
Stew's Post

Here we have an individual who has no practical experience in any of the following:
Hunting (except once he shot a squirrel and a Jay and our neighbor too but that wasn't hunting it was just shooting)
Fishing (he would try fishing but... well nothing nice to say so...)
Wheel making
Yet he insists to have an intimate knowledge of all topics.
He claims that all conservative men hunt, are manly, and drink domestic beer.
A liberal man, conversely, is girly, drinks European beer, and can't provide for their family. They do however sew, clean and cook.

Let's look at his stereotype and the review of his version of history to see if his theory holds up...

Conservatives are MANLY!
Tucker Carlson..... Need I say anything further.

Harriet Miers is more manly than Tucker.

Ed Schultz a self professed Democrat (and thusly a liberal) hunts religiously.

Domestic beer would be beer brewed in the USA. In the state of Oregon where I see a liberal bias, there are more domestic breweries than anywhere on earth. Milwaukee is a liberal city with the largest domestic brewing operation on earth.
Stew, you are drinking a liberal beer when you pour a Budweiser....
The Sumerians began brewing more than 6,000 years ago.
They were all liberals.

There are so many things wrong with your history review that we could go on and on.

My final thought is that if you are so manly how come you can't fly to Oregon to visit your only brother in the twenty years he has lived there?
Are you too busy cooking and sewing? Is it that your man breasts have grown too un-MANageable?
Up here in the liberal Pacific NW we hunt and fish and brew lot's of beer... We recognize that it is a sign of strength to be able to cook a five course meal, sew a patch on a jacket, or a button on a shirt and still kill our elk or salmon. It is a sign of ability to be able to put up siding and then bake bread in the same day.
You and your conservative=manly history lesson is just another indication of a weak and scared mind.
Of course anyone who disagrees with me must be a conservative and is therefore wrong... Unless you are a liberal and then you are still wrong.
Manly, but wrong...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cape Perpetua in the background Posted by Picasa

Olive has a few frisbee moves. We call this one "Striking Badger" Posted by Picasa

What? Posted by Picasa

More Coast shots Posted by Picasa

from the beach to the slopes in less than two hours... Yeah Stew I can see why you don't want to come to Oregon Posted by Picasa

Finally we make it to the beach Posted by Picasa

Olive likes a lot of things, but she hates missing out on table scraps... Posted by Picasa

I for one have HAD it with this dog crap Posted by Picasa

Olive goes to work Posted by Picasa

Olive is soooo desperate Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 10, 2005

Not the Oregon Coast... Not my "sexy face" either... Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 07, 2005

Congratulations IAEA, ElBaradei

So Condi calls up El Baradei to congratulate him for his efforts to prevent our planet from becoming a smoking crater. That struck me as odd since, as I recall, the Bush administration has done nothing but whine and moan about how he was coaching the Iranian atomic energy program to get away with developing nuclear weapons.

At least they had the grace to acknowledge that his efforts are worthy and succeeding where others have failed.

Now I'd like to see him try to dismantle America's nuclear arsenal. We'll see how warmly and graciously he is received.

There is a lot of talk about how "rouge nations" and such are trying to get their paws on nukes. No doubt they will try to blow us all up. (We need fear to keep out logic. Don't forget to be afraid!)

What makes no sense to me is that we still have missiles and bombers on high alert and ready to strike. America is the biggest nuclear threat to the world currently.

If the Earth is ever going to be safe from nuclear war America will have to take the lead and disarm. At least go into a non-offensive posture. Shut the door to the missile silo. Call home the bombers and turn off the alarms. Stop trying (in violation of treaties we signed) to develop new "low yield" nuclear weapons and join with India, Pakistan, France, Russia, and Israel (even though it is not official everybody knows the Jews have the bomb) to try and at least get the genie back next to the bottle if we can't get it back in altogether.

While we are at it,
Stop developing weapons of mass destruction. Stop the chemical and biological warfare programs.

We are such hypocrites. To invade Iraq while we are doing the same (only on a more massive scale) thing we used as justification (falsely) to overthrow their government.

So I would ask everyone to sing the words from the song (I forget the name of the song)
"come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now" every time you hear some lunkhead calling for the destruction of Iran or Iraq with our massive nukelear weapons.

MRSX I'll show you my real sexy face if you promise to sing it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Miers Is the Best Qualified Judicial Nominee...

Within thirty feet of the Oval Office.

Just think even now there are freshmen in school who get the message: All you need to do is get close to the President. Whatever it takes. Just be in the room when he needs something.Hard work will get you nothing. Just ask Alberto Gonzales.

I bet he thought he had it made for certain. Then that bitch Harry stole his spot.
It reminds me of back when W was preparing to pick a running mate. He put together a committee to research the best choice. He had Dick Cheney on the selection committee. Dick got the job based on his excellent input. Harriet Miers did the same thing.
I bet it went like this...

W: Dang it I jest got ta git em a chick on the bench don't I?

Harry: Yes dear. You do. You need a Good woman who loves God and will not cave in to reason or constitutional precedents. Like Me honey.

W: You've never let me down Harry. Plus ya tell me what ta think. If you could do that fer the leader of tha free world just think what you could do from tha Supreme Court! Only thing is Karen Hughes is gonna be pissed as heckedy heck. AL Bertie, that spic wanted a spot too. What are you gonna tell 'em? I mean What am I supposed to say that I though up fer why you're the bestest one?

Harry: Just tell them to trust you honey. Say "I know her character. She's a woman of principle and deep conviction. She shares my philosophy that judges should strictly interpret the laws and the Constitution of the United States, and not legislate from the bench,"
We can have Andy use the ear monitor so you don't have to remember all those words. Then just claim you refuse to play politics and stuff like that. It drives them crazy!

W: Ha! Yeah, but they're all startin to figure out I lie about everything though...
What about Karen? She's gonna say she was just as qualified. And why not Condi? I mean she's my travelin wife. Plus she is a nego so woudn't I git better points by makin her the one to pick?

Harry: Nope. Just listen to me and do as I say. If I start to look at everyone who is qualified it would take years for you to pick one. We need one Now. It should be someone you trust. Do you trust me Georgie? Do you? Say it to me...

W: I trust you Harry. Thank you for helping me finger out this pick

Sad Sad days for America. Better get out and start marching in the streets. This is just a mockery of representation, balance and the principals that America was founded under.
Trust Me just Trust Me