Conservativism is maybe not dead but it smells really bad
When Christopher Buckley comes out in support of Obama it is a sign that the Conservative movement has no heir. It is over. Time to try something new.
Or perhaps it is time to try having government actually be conservative for a change. Let's face it. We have not seen, fiscal, social, or any other sort of conservativism for the past eight years. Bush has been the biggest liberal I've ever seen. Bush has imposed more government control than any other president in history.
Taxation, no problem! We tax the hel1 out of the middle class and use the government to eliminate equity while moving as much wealth into the hands of the few as possible.
I don't think Obama is the solution to this but I do think I'd rather have his brand of "Conservativism" than Bush's.
I know that at least Obama admits that the government has a role to play and he will not try to dismantle the government while at teh same time use it for every nefarious purpose under the sun.
Vote for Bob Barr!
Gosh, is Bush running again? I thought he was limited to two terms.
Oh I get it, you're mouthing the obama mantra that McCain is the same as Bush. And you think the most liberal senator(obama) in congress is more conservative than McCain.
OK Alice, you can crawl out of the rabbit hole now and get back into the real world.
Oh Sandy,
So nice to have you comment on the blog. You took away that I think Obama is conservative? No. No!!! Not my point!
You missed it by
a (enter superlative here) lot.
My point was that the son of the founder of Conservativism is coming out in support of Obama.
To put it into terms you can relate to it would be the same as Stew coming out in support of Obama. It is actually probably worse an indictment of McCain than General Colin Powell endorsing him. Which just happened...
McCain is playing with the same deck Bush has been using for the last eight years. If you can't see that then you are willfully ignorant or stupid or both.
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"I don't think Obama is the solution to this but I do think I'd rather have his brand of "Conservativism" than Bush's."
I guess this statement by you was the reason I thought you were calling Obama conservative.
Silly me or maybe ignorant or stupid or both(as you so politely said).
Isn't it strange how a liberal will result to insults when questioned about their ideas. Oh right, you too call yourself a conservative if I remember right. You say in your header that you are a conservative, yet you call yourself "liberal tree hugger" on your blog. I don't see how you can be both. Perhaps you should join my party of Independents.
Try not to result to name calling if you can. I'm sure you have grown out of that childish stage or will soon.
Thanks Sandy,
No more name calling. I'll just try to clarify here.
If you noticed, I had the word conservative in quotes. Typically when that is done it indicates that it is an ironic useage rather than a literal one.
I know that you are probably used to people not knowing why quotes are used, where an apostrophy goes or the difference between their and there or they're... so I forgive your lack of confidence in me.
As to the lable, that was my point. People calling themselves conservative are most often very liberal. I was trying to point out that I can call my blog "Liberal TreeHugger" and still try to explain how protecting the environment is a conservative value. I wanted to underscore that, despite a label of "liberal" or "conservative" people are really a mix of the two.
FOr example, I am for government intervention in corporate affairs but not in what I do with my body...
Some people are proponents of government intervention in other nations, or telling people what they can put in or take out of their persons.
It is all relative and most people think they are one when they are the other
Is innuendo the same as name calling? I caught onto some of your snide remarks, but will look forward to more "grammatical" instruction from you. Geez, be gentle with me. Treat me like you would your brother. No, I take that back, treat me better than you do your brother.
If you are a "conservative", then I am a pig with lipstick.
Is innuendo the same as name calling?
No. It is much better than name calling. Innuendo requires some ability of the recipient to have higher reasoning skills.
Hummmmmmmmm, I'll have to think about that one. At least you seem to be growing out of the name calling stage and I do appreciate your effort to enlighten me.
I'm beginning to feel much smarter now. In fact, I may be catching up to Biden. I might even qualify for a full scholarship as he says he did. Oh wait, that was a lie wasn't it.
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