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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Congratulations IAEA, ElBaradei

So Condi calls up El Baradei to congratulate him for his efforts to prevent our planet from becoming a smoking crater. That struck me as odd since, as I recall, the Bush administration has done nothing but whine and moan about how he was coaching the Iranian atomic energy program to get away with developing nuclear weapons.

At least they had the grace to acknowledge that his efforts are worthy and succeeding where others have failed.

Now I'd like to see him try to dismantle America's nuclear arsenal. We'll see how warmly and graciously he is received.

There is a lot of talk about how "rouge nations" and such are trying to get their paws on nukes. No doubt they will try to blow us all up. (We need fear to keep out logic. Don't forget to be afraid!)

What makes no sense to me is that we still have missiles and bombers on high alert and ready to strike. America is the biggest nuclear threat to the world currently.

If the Earth is ever going to be safe from nuclear war America will have to take the lead and disarm. At least go into a non-offensive posture. Shut the door to the missile silo. Call home the bombers and turn off the alarms. Stop trying (in violation of treaties we signed) to develop new "low yield" nuclear weapons and join with India, Pakistan, France, Russia, and Israel (even though it is not official everybody knows the Jews have the bomb) to try and at least get the genie back next to the bottle if we can't get it back in altogether.

While we are at it,
Stop developing weapons of mass destruction. Stop the chemical and biological warfare programs.

We are such hypocrites. To invade Iraq while we are doing the same (only on a more massive scale) thing we used as justification (falsely) to overthrow their government.

So I would ask everyone to sing the words from the song (I forget the name of the song)
"come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now" every time you hear some lunkhead calling for the destruction of Iran or Iraq with our massive nukelear weapons.

MRSX I'll show you my real sexy face if you promise to sing it.


At 6:45 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Sean, stop looking at my sister.

At 1:45 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Sean I'd bet my right pinkie finger that you couldn't score even a friendly chat with my sister much less pillow talk. Yes she has the same natural good looks as the rest of our family but we are extreemely excrementing in our taste and you are just anothe schlub trying to hit on a gal with more class and taste than the regular swingers that you get in D.C....Can Anyone back me up here?
Tom, fuck off you natural health freak spammer. I thought I had word verification set on this thing...

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Sean stop looking at my sister and stop messing with me.

At 12:26 AM, Blogger MRSX said...

Great thanks babe. Im guaranteed to have that song stuck in my head until bedtime.

You are starting to show some stewisms. Ohhhhh


At 9:15 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Please Jen! What am I doing Stewishly? I can change my ways. I just know I can.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger MRSX said...

You're too funny. Hey I'm going to post a picture just for you on my blog. Sure I've sent it to other Scotts before but they meant nothing to me. I swear.



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