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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Friday, October 28, 2005


But Bush ignores it. No sense in listening to any of the "opining" and "background noise". He hasn't cared what anyone thought so far, why start now?
I have to say that I am amazed in his ability to repeat himself until people start to believe what he is saying.
I am also amazed that he can still get away with his lies. Just listen to what he says and know that the opposite is what he means.
When he said " I don't think America should get involved in nation building" it meant we are going to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and prop up crony capitalism there.
When he said that his Clear Skies legislation would make the air more breathable it meant that he was going to clear the skies of all living things. It meant that we would see an increase in particulates, mercury, and greenhouse gases.
No Child Left Behind... Well I think you get it. No?

Average percentage of students in New York State's majority-white school districts who graduate in four years : 79[The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)]

Average percentage who do so in districts where a majority of students are black or Latino : 40[The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)]

So no white rich child left behind should be the name of his program.

But I'm getting off topic.

Back to the indictment...

It should come as no surprise that Scooter is a scary looking white guy. He's old and cranky looking, driven around Washington by a black man (see the trickle down effect in action) scowling must be a job requirement to work for the President er.. Dick Cheney I mean.
He is going to resign so if you have been rich and are practiced in the art of scowling and sneering I think Cheney has a job for you. Experience with treason is a plus.

Listen to Bush and you will hear nothing but the same pablum he has been cramming down your throat for the last two months. Word for word, almost.
The best way to honor those troops who have died in Iraq is to send more to die so that their numbers become insignificant. Cut spending on social programs, but let corporations get away with ditching their pension plans. More spending! More invasions!
I hope I wake up soon.

I wish my brother would come out and visit me.


At 10:42 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

I didn't count anything before they hatched.
Rove is still under investigation,

Libby is indicted.

What is it about this that is a non-story?
What does it gain anyone to pretend that this administration has ANY morals or virtue? They have been lying to and scamming the whole country. Now we are going to get at least a small look at the underbelly of the beast and you want to ignore it? Do you say that lying and obstruction of justice is no big deal? It was a big deal when Clinton lied about getting head in the oval office.
The Rule of Law isn't something that one can apply at a whim. If it applied to Clinton then it applies to Bush.
You can try to ignore it and pretend that the war on terror is the only thing that matters, but Bush is the biggest terrorist I've ever seen. His team should just quit and the global threat to terror would vanish.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

well aren't we just a bit too jaded?
Right! The Bush forces are bearing down on terror! Pretty soon terror will be a thing of the past!
Yeah the terrorist threat is the new communist red scare. We have to be afraid that we will lose terror. If we can't have a gohstly menace lurking in the dark alley then people will start to question billion dollar defense appropriations. The Bush team threatens terror with terror so that we get a constant recycling of terror. Who says they aren't into conservation?
See Sean the thing is I still have hope that there are some people who are trying to make the world a better place. All this religious intolerance, jihadism, political wrangling muddles the fact that we are all equally lost. Nobody knows what is going on and while we struggle to survive we have a chance to choose to make the world around us better or worse.
We are on a desert island with no hope of rescue. I for one want to start training the monkey to be butlers. What really bothers me is that we just lost our best sheepdog.


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