Why Katrina is Bush's Fault
So I see on a few sites and hear in the media about people claiming that the hurricane is Bush's fault. Now while Bush would I'm sure love to be able to order the winds to obey his command, he doesn't have that power just yet. There is no doubt a covert operation at this moment working on that...
So how exactly is Bush responsible for this?
Well he is not directly. We have had tropical storms for aeons. The last few decades we have had a condition in the Gulf where these tropical storms were not able to fully develop their potential. I'm sure it is a direct reflection of Democratic policies.
As a side note, Ever wonder why the Republicans aren't calling for a Republican government in Iraq? The always claim to want to spread Democracy. Why does the Democratic Party not capitalize on this? After all they are the Democrats...
So back to the topic of Bush causing the devastation in New Orleans...
I am sure there are going to be a lot of liberal die-hards who hate me for saying this but here goes,
Katrina was not Bush's fault.
There. I said it.
Now let me qualify this. Kat was no more Bush's fault that she was my fault of the rest of the nations fault for ignoring or not taking the necessary actions to stop the rampant warming of the Gulf of Mexico. We have allowed the emissions of greenhouse gases to heat the planet which has in turn heated the Gulf waters creating a breeding ground for killer massive hurricanes.
Argue away about whether or not Global Warming is a reality or an invention by wacko environmentalists. While you are trying to dispel the effect as a myth you'd better batten down the hatches.
SO Bush and his energy policies do nothing to stem the effects of warming. Any science except that paid for by Texaco or their ilk will show you that global warming is a reality. The actions the world takes in using oil as the sole means of transportation will doom us to an ever increasing climate of killer storms and the frequency will increase and so will the amplitude.
This is the reason why we as a nation need to stop driving around alone in our giant SUV's.
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Get in touch with your co-workers and organize a car pool.
Ride a bike.
Reuse your grocery bags (especially if they are plastic)
Don't throw everything away.
If you don't act it is your fault.
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I can't believe that ad's and spam have made it into the blogisphere....
You know, you're right.
I mean correct. Sorry.
It's a damn good thing this didn't happen during Clinton's term! What would Al have said?
Good point on the conservation angle though. You driving a hybrid yet?
Oh and turn on your comment verification if spam gets bad.
Stew, are you happy about getting that gas guzzeler still?
I will get a hybrid when my LEV Hpnda Accord finally fails me. I think I'll get another three years out of it. Then I will get a diesel and run it on vegtable oil and bio-diesel.
Hybrid technology is smart but it still relies on gasoline. I'd like to get totally off hydrocarbon technology. But that is not really on topic...
Uh, when was the last time you were on public transportation and/or rode your bike to do an errand?
your girlfriend
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