Pat Robertson needs to read the bible
Can we get any more insane than the leader of the Christian Broadcasting Network calling for the murder of a democratically elected leader of a sovereign nation?
I really am not all that surprised that Pat Robertson thinks that it is okay to suggest that America kill Hugo Chavez. Most people who claim to be Christians are not aware how what they profess and what they practice are at odds with what Christ taught us.
So to Mr. Robertson I would say,
Judge not lest you be judged. For by the same measure that you judge other people you will be judged. I would tell him that Jesus said when asked about the old law of an eye for an eye, Jesus responded "the new law is that when you are struck on the cheek turn the other. When your brother wrongs you seven times you forgive him seventy times seven.
Being a Christian does not give one license to kill or advocate killing. It actually works the opposite way. As a Christian we are supposed to love those that hate us, bless those who curse us. How can he be so insane? I guess he is hanging out with Bush too much and has decided that he can just sanction murder like it were giving out a parking ticket.
Chavez is not a friend of the current administration. True. I don't think he hates Americans though. I see him as a secular leader who is not engaged in Islamic terrorism. Pat calling him a terrorist is pretty much the pot calling the kettle black.
This is a weak attempt for justification to invade another country and steal their oil.
Wake up America! Our leaders are insane with power. It is time to fire them all and stop the killing and terror.
Can we spend the money we are wasting on guns oil and nukes on roads, schools and parks? We don't need Star Wars we need Earth Peace.
Pat Robertson needs his head examined.
Amazingly, I agree with about 89% of this post.
According to the bible: "Thou Shall not kill." Me thinks that no matter how bad Chavez is, killing him is over the top.
There is always another option, especially when you have an elected official.
I don't think that our leaders are drunk with power, I think the left is hungry for power.
Robertson is just an old man who has lost touch with reality. His ministry loses members by the hour, probably because of remarks like this.
So we agree a little bit for once,
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