W says it so it Must be True
I listened to Bush in his address this morning.
He was being very testy and seemed really offended that anyone was suggesting that he was a lame duck. He wanted to make it clear that he was still going to get his way.
He did acknowledge that there was a slight "push back" from some Senators who were trying to resist his policies.
What seems surprising to me is that he seems to think that if he keeps repeating something over repeatedly it will become true.
You saw this as a child on the playground when someone would make up a story and keep on repeating it. They would repeat it until people also began to repeat it and then it was true. Only it wasn't true. It was just a story that everybody decided to believe.
It seems to me that W likes to do this. Like with the War on Terror. He keeps saying that we are in Iraq to make us safe from terror and terror related individuals.
He says that there is a crisis with Social Security. He says that he is making the Air more breathable and the water cleaner. He says that there were no abuses of prisoners in Gitmo.
He says these things even though the evidence does not support his position.
The people in Guantanamo are the most evil freedom haters anywhere on the planet.
They would slit your baby's throat in front of you if only they could get close enough to do it.
They fear and hate Democracy and want to destroy all of us good Americans.
He has to say this because to say that, "well yes we have detained dudes who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and we don't really know if they know anyone involved with terrorism much less involved themselves in terrorism but we are going to keep them isolated and prevent any reconciliation between our suspicions and the truth because we can and because we need to have a prison full of terrorists to make it look good back home" would be to admit that the whole thing was a trumped up sham designed to fill pockets with slush money not to bring Democracy to Iraq.
People believe it because they need to believe that the President is honest and forthright. We all want to believe that our leader is not a man who is serving his own interests but fulfilling the role of representative leader for the country.
So it is easy to get away with the scam.
His political machine is already discrediting the media, so that anything they report contrary to his version of the truth is trounced as being "liberal hate speech" and he has succeeded in drawing a link between Iraq and the attacks on New York. There is no connection there, just like there are no W'sMD in Iraq. That was the purported reason for the invasion, remember? Spreading Democracy and removing a brutal dictator was not the reason we were given for going to war in Iraq. Do ya'll remember?
Nobody remembers and if they do they either don't care or think that we should go f^#ng get that oil and send those camel jockeys back to their sand holes 'cause we are 'Mericans and we are right.
I find it interesting that in war game simulations that the good guy's are always Blue and the bad side is always Red.
So the Red states won the election.
Interesting parallel.
I wish there were more people who didn't believe anything Bus said just because he is the President.
I wish more people immediately questioned what he said and looked to see who stood to gain from his actions.
He said that he believed in Diplomacy. W said that diplomacy took a long time and that we had to give North Korea a lot of time for this diplomacy to work.
Where was that logic back when he was looking at invading Iraq?
Can anybody explain how this man can be viewed as principled and moral?
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