Have to Post Quickly! We are getting shut down!
So I know it's been a while.
I've seen a lot of Liberal and Neo-Con crap since my last post. MMMMM Giant Fairy Shrimp!
Seriously though, Bush sucks. Kevin is in a War zone for no good reason. I've never met the guy but I sure a shell don't want him to find a bullet or fragment in a personal place in or near his body.
He says it is all good though. He's doing his duty. I admire that. He is a good man.
Still I think it was all based on lies. Saddam was no more of a threat than North Korea.
Why are we not there?
Why do they actually have atomic weapons with missles that can hit the USA but we ignore them?
Makes no sense.
Then I read my brothers blog (getstewed)
he is totally brainwashed and has lost all ability to think rationally. He seems to get all his "facts" from Ann Colture and Rush Limbaugh.
Never mind that Rush is hopped up on synthetic heroin.....
Just try to make the world a better place.
Plant a tree,
adopt a stray,
take mass transit,
So there,
less than two minutes and no editing...
so... why are you getting shut down? Just when I had a few questions to ask you too.
Sorry for misleading ya'll there. I was fixin to post and the site reported that they were going to do maintainence and I only had ten minutes to come up with something and get it posted.
I'm still here!
HLOY CARP! You posted something. I'll alert Newsweak.
Just a quick factoid for you (I know you hate facts) about recycling. Did you know it costs more and wastes more natural resources to recycle than to just throw it in a dump?
Oh and I haven't heard any Rush in about five years. I get my news from the Snufalufagus.
You pretty much just called me an idiot.
Oh Michele,
You don't want to ask him any questions. He'll just break your heart and you'll be all in lust with him. It runs in the family. I know. Trust me on this.
Besides, Al Gore invented the internets. It's true.
I heard a rumors.
The lack of editing shows almost as clearly as the lack of facts.
Korea has missiles that can hit the United States? Dude, can you pass me some of that "medical" marijauna you're smoking? Their best missiles couldn't even hit HAWAII yet.
I'll admit they're getting close, though! Now that they have access to military technology Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese in return for campaign donations... it IS only a matter of time!
>>Their best missiles couldn't even hit HAWAII yet.
Hawaii? Your conservative license is hereby revoked until you study some geography: last I checked Alaska and Korea are right across the international dateline from each other. And while nuking a few eskimos might not matter much, remember that the state produces a good bit of oil for us.
Thank you Josh for pointing out a basic geographical feature of the USA.
While it does exhibit a lack of knowledge about our Nation, Pony Tail Conservative can't be expected to be an expert on everything. After all his understanding of neu-cue-lar physics probably takes up all excess brain power.
I'm just kidding. What do I know about nuclear physics?
Aside from the existence of alpha, beta, gamma radiation and that the metals involved are very heavy.
Oh also that depleted uranium is harmless. It's not only harmless but safe. In fact it is so safe we can unload a bunch of rounds into our kids sandbox and let them enjoy the fun.
I think that I was wrong too about North Korea being a threat. Even if the rockets can hit Alaska or the West coast the effects would wear off really soon and blah blah blah
Can you tell that I'm not believing PTC's insistence about DU and North Korea not being the real threat?
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