Condi looks like she got new batteries
I was watching Condoleezza Rice in the confirmation hearings. I was not the least bit surprised that when addressed by Sen. Kerry her response was to repeat the lines that have been used so much. “We had bad intelligence” “We are still better off with a brutal dictator out of power in the Middle East” etc… etc… just like her boss the trained monkey. These people have no shame.
Instead of answering the question she just kept going on and on about why and how invading Iraq was a good thing. How much better off we are. How everything is difficult and how decisions had been made that were not as good as they could have been. She still never once said “we made mistakes” Her boss will never admit to a mistake. None of them are going to say we made a mistake.
So when we look objectively at the situation in Iraq both leading up to the invasion and the post “combat operations” phase to all the turmoil, strife and discord, it seems that if they made no mistakes then this was part of the plan. So if it was part of the plan then we can take from that, logically our President and his cronies planned an invasion of a sovereign nation that had done nothing to America, posed no threat and indeed was seeking to open diplomatic relations to the USA. A regime that at once claimed to have W’sMD and not to have them, offered to allow inspections but hindered the inspectors and made use of their position on top of all that oil to keep the palaces lit. The thing is Saddam knew he didn’t have any more w’smd. He wanted the rest of us to think he did so we would hesitate. Once we knew that he didn’t have any we went in. The “faulty” intelligence was used by the Bushies as a green light. The thing is, they got the right info. They were told that Iraq was not a threat. They kept pressing for something. They used the Brits, and no one seems to remember that guy in the British government that “killed” himself. The one guy who made the report up is dead. He knew the truth. Now he is gone and we can only speculate. No one in the Government is willing to call Bush and Blair lying sacks of turds and snot, even though they are.
So Condi keeps on repeating this dribble even though the question was not “Why did we invade Iraq when they posed no threat” but rather “what are we going to do about making the situation better? What are we doing to get out of a bad situation?”
Sen. Boxer asked her to clarify some distinct contradictions made in the public record, made by her and by her boss and Cheney the Vice Liar in Chief.
She was so offended by Sen. Boxer’s pressure about her contradictions I thought she might actually show and emotion. But no she remained cold and hard as ice.
I think it would have been nice to see her come unglued. I mean she is so stiff and wrapped up so tight from all the lying and hair splitting that there has got to be a point where she cracks and just goes to pieces. It has to be hard to lie to so many people for so long. The money is good, I’ll grant you that but it has to grate on a morally correct person. She must just be so twisted and evil that she believes what she is saying. Go figure. These are our representatives. Liars and thieves, murderers and poisioners. Some would call them “evildoers” but it is too late now. I can only hope that history gets them.
Brace yourselves for another four wars
I suppose you were one of the folks that questioned Clinton's intelligence on Bosnia when he picked the day before Monica Lewinsky's testimony to go dropping bombs there, right?
Or was the motivation so clear that you had no problem with that? The motivation was pretty clear to me, anyway...
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