Wacky Weed
The Supreme Court is looking at the issue of medical marijuana.
Does the Federal Gubment have the right or authority to persecute individuals who have chosen to use the alternative to conventional treatments i.e. pharmaceutical drugs, synthetic THC and the likes?
These people lie in States where the majority has by ballot initiative made legal the production and consumption of marijuana. The laws are detailed in how much they can grow and store, who can be designated a caregiver (or grower) and set a fee structure to pay for the whole system.
This is the type of legislation that Bush is always talking about.
Power to the States.
Self-determination and the ability to have local governments determine what rules and regulations they want to enforce, or not enforce.
We are at a crossroads here in my opinion.
Bush’s lawyers are fighting the rights of the states in a, dare I say it???
FLIP FLOP. There I said it.
Bush and his Justice Department goon squad want to keep people from using pot. For any reason.
They want to claim that it is not an effective medicine. They want to claim that there is a conspiracy to subvert the legal system under the false pretext of “Medicine” to allow Marijuana to enter the mainstream society and eventually be legal for casual recreational use by anyone.
I have one thing to say.
Millions of Americans use pot every day for fun and relaxation. They use it for same reason they have always used it. In fact pot has been a part of our culture (I mean the species of homo sapiens) for eons. We have receptors in our brains specifically tailored to take in THC and the other components of marijuana.
There is a lot of talk about it being destructive and debilitating, but no real research. No research because the Government in the past few decades has declared the there is no redeeming quality to marijuana. There are no recognized medical applications of the “Drug” under the current Federal Law. They classify it in the same category as Heroin...
I could go on about that issue for hours but to sum it up, We the People area being denied the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Talk to the sick people who are having their lives changed by using pot. One of the plaintiffs in the case is a woman suffering from a brain tumor that cannot be operated on. She went from confinement in a wheelchair and wasting away to a self-propelled bipedal freedom lover.
Bush should lighten up since there is no doubt in my mind that Jenna is familiar with the benefits of marijuana. I’m sure Bush has on occasion, um, inhaled.
So I have to ask myself, “Why are there still so may people who refuse to let it go?” These PACS that want to keep pot illegal are the ones that could benefit the most from having a cookie.
I was once arrested for possession of less than an ounce. It was like a ticket but I had to go to the Judge and explain myself. I talked to the Man. The discussion was something like this…
“ J: Son how old are you?
Me: I’m 34 your Honor.
J: Well don’t you know that Pot is for kids??? Well no it’s not for anybody I guess
Me: silence (trying not to laugh at the Judge)
J: what do you use it for?
Me: Well I like to smoke but I can’t tolerate cigarettes at all. They make me cough and hack uncontrollably. I like to go camping hang out around the campfire and smoke a joint, play my guitar and enjoy the setting while drinking a beer.
J: Well I guess I know some 40 year olds who smoke pot, and I even know some 50 year olds who smoke pot. Come to think of it I know some Judges who smoke pot. (sits and has a strange melancholy look in his face)
Me: I am a productive member of society. I pay my taxes. I help out the community. Volunteer and recycle. I have a good job. I pay my car insurance. I take care of business. I just want to smoke pot. It doesn’t hurt anybody.
J: well you are breaking the law.
Me: It is an unjust law that violates my Civil Rights.
J: So if you went into a store and saw something that you liked or wanted you could just take it under this type of thinking. Right?
Me: No! That would be hurting someone. The store is hurt when I steal from them. Other consumers are hurt by the store’s loss. That would be clearly wrong. I do not have the right to steal something or hurt anyone for my own gain. I would pay for the item because I believe in personal accountability.”
J: Well then if you can pay the fine I’ll drop it off your record and you are free to go.”
That was what the State determined my right to smoke pot should cost me.
This is true and I’m sure it is what the public record would reflect.
Now I am not talking about Medical use here. This was recreational use.
It is not wrong or bad. I am not a bad person. I care. I try to make the world a better place. I yield the right of way. I merge with my turn signal on. I pay taxes into a system that no longer represents me.
I think I go beyond the call of Civic Duty. Yet I am a criminal because I choose to use a substance that grows wild in every country in the world. Antarctica is the only continent that pot does not grow wild in.
I hope that We can as a Nation progress to the place where we are able to distinguish the difference between something that is truly dangerous and something that is harmless. I mean Bombs and Bullets kill people. They are freely distributed. Landmines serve one purpose, to maim and kill. They are available. Hell we manufacture them.
Bleach is deadly; you can buy it in the store.
Toxic chemicals are everywhere. They are WAY more dangerous than pot.
Cut the “it is for your safety” crap. Pot is illegal because it can’t be patented. It can’t be controlled. It can be used to replace trees as the source of pulp for making paper. It can be used to fix nitrogen in the soil rendering petrochemical fertilizers unnecessary. It can soothe and calm better than Prozac or Xanax. It relieves pain better than Celebrex. It also opens the mind to perceive the world in a different way.
When one is on a psychotropic substance the brain is acting basically the same. There is a slight shift of the awareness. The World is a different place and perceptions that normally are not available come forward. People no longer see the need to fear or hate because the rational given seems slightly wrong. Lies become more evident. Truths become more clearly fixed. I think that is the real reason for the illegality of Pot.
I hope the Supreme Court can see the value of letting the States determine what is right and acceptable. I live in a State where by a majority we decided that we are able to determine what works and what doesn’t.
I hope the States rights win. Strange the Bush Administration is against this one…. Well not really. They rely on blind acceptance and ignorance to get their agenda accomplished.We’ll have to wait and see.
Who knows I might still be a criminal after this is all said and done, even though I don’t feel like one.
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