War! Good God! What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING!
So we see now that this is NOT the end of major combat operations in Iraq.
The assault on Fallujah is well underway. The American troops plus three of those brave Polish troops and a few Brits are going house to house, mosque to mosque killing everything they can. The Coalition Forces have refused to allow any man to leave the city. They refuse to allow aid workers to bring in supplies like food and water.
We seem to be involved in a full-blown war. So not that it really matters now but WHY doesn’t any Conservative like my brilliant brother or blogger Kevin feel deceived or betrayed by the insistence that this is not a major war against Islam or that this is simply a quick mission to restore Democracy in Iraq? Bushies want to play with the facts. First we are told these are ‘enemy combatants’ and this is not a war that would require us to adhere to the Geneva Convention so we can detain them etc…
Now we are told that HELLO WE ARE AT WAR with these people.
So what is it?
Is it both?
Who are we at war with now? Islam? Iraq? AlQueida?
If it is Islam why are we not invading Saudi Arabia? They had the majority of the 911 terrirists anyway. They have more oil; they have more Moslems than Iraq. Also there is Indonesia. They have the MOST Muslims anywhere. AND!! They have oil too!
How about it? Are we at war with Iraq? Why do we have a government in place if we are at war with them? We should just say we are conquering your sovereign nation and there is nothing you can do about it. But no we are “Liberating” them…. Whew it really seems convoluted.
AlQueida???? Well if it were AlQueida we would not be in Iraq at all. We would still be in Afghanistan … oh wait we are…. Ummm okay then back to Saudi Arabia… And Yemen and Qatar and all the other Islamic nations that support AlQueida.
Jeez, to hear you say it, the whole war in Iraq is a mistake.
Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not a military strategist.
Well yes I think it is a good thing I am not a Military Strategist. I would condone dismanteling our military and spending the money on Arts and Education. Can you imagine how much better off the world would be if all the money spent just on landmines was spent on good schools, teachers and supplies for the classroom? We could even afford to invest in alternatives to oil so that we could get out of the Islamic holy sites, which is the reason they are bombing us. Bush wants you to believe the the Muslims hate us because we are in a Democratic nation. The truth is that they hate us because we are putting troops in their holy places. We are setting up military bases in their countries. Why? To protect the flow of oil. No other reason.
That is the reason we are in Iraq now. We are not there to "Promote Democracy" unless that is a euphamism for Imperialism. Yeah I'd do it all differently.
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