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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

No More Troops means More Troops in the Bush Lexicon

Bush has continued to play the American people like fools.

In the Election he admitted no mistakes.

He continued to portray the action in Iraq as a success.

He based his whole strategy on the fact that he was the only one who was prepared to deal with terrorism.

He claimed that no troops were needed because no one had asked for them. That was just not true.

Now safe into his second term of destruction he manipulates hundreds of thousands of peoples lives as if they were no more than cattle.
His arrogance and lack of regard for human life amazes me. Especially while he proclaims his religiousity and Pro-Life stance.

I think it is safe to say that Bush is not Pro-Life - rather that he is Anti Abortion. He is perfectly willing to send living people to go and die, cause the deaths of thousands of others and continue to create and atmosphere at home that is polluted and rank with death and disease.

For all those troops who voted for Bush I say, You got what you asked for, now go die like a brave American warrior.

This whole thing makes me sick.


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