This is the type of Corporate Citizen that we do not need
NEW YORK - Internal e-mails and other documents from Merck & Co. Show the company fought for years to keep safety concerns from undermining the drug's commercial prospects, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.
Under Bush this type of behavior would go unpunished.
The interest of profit supersedes a responsibility to conduct business in a ethical and moral fashion. A 'frivolous' lawsuit would hamper Merck's ability to pass off poison as medicine and make billions in profits.
How is a system where this type of corporate malfeasance is accepted as ' the cost of doing business' better than living in Cuba?
Stop trying to make excuses for the evil nature that corporations have adopted by and large in the name of shareholder profit and accept that we need to change the system. Restricting lawsuits will not accomplish corporate responsibility. We need more lawsuits. Corporations are evil when they allow this type of behavior to continue and the Government is complicity when they attempt to curtail the individual from holding the corporation accountable.
I would like to know what you think the Government should be responsible for.
Elliot Spitzer is a man who is taking corporate interests to task in a Court of Law. I think we need more of this type intervention on behalf of the citizens. What do you think?
And what is coming out of this is lawsuits against a manufacturer of medicine. Billions and billions of dollars will come from Merck in the form of tort litigation (if they lose).
I don't know why this is happening other than maybe they (Merck) justified the risk since most of the people that took Vioxx were much older. Dunno. That's not an excuse for Merck but when the entities which produce medicine are attacked, look for less medicine. That's not good for any of us.
Your statement that under Bush, this will go unpunished is flat out wrong. What possible facts do you have to back this up?
Do we even live in the same country? Clinton, let Enron, Tyco, and others get away with metaphorical murder in the interest of the facade of a good economy. Everybody will tell you that the Bush Administration has been much harder on CEOs, you should check out my post about the criminalization of White Collar America. You liberals better watch out, if you download music or involved in file-sharing you are just as guilty as Martha Stewart, Ken Lay, and Merck.
Well Kev,
I am saying that it will go unpunished based on Bush's desire for Tort reform. He would like to see a limit on lawsuits against corporations. The lawsuits are the only balance to the Drug companies profit centric attitude. Now wait! Profit is THE reason you say for having a business in the first place. And you are right. Except that the Pharmecutical Industry is not selling luxury items (except for viagra) or things that we choose to have. We rely on the Pharm's to bring medicine to the market that has been proven safe and effective. Regulations that protect the consumer. I guess we should just do away with consumer protection and let the bastards do whatever they like. The concept of Corporate Responsibility is meaningless. Just go with profits and buy stock in Merck right???
You "Conservatives" had better watch out because your own greed and corruption is going to devour you.
Oh and Enron was LYING! How do you think Clinton could have know about what Enron and Tyco were doing? Planting spies? The Public relies on reports from companies and when the company lies and then entices the auditor to lie along with them there is not much that a Government agency can do until the situation becomes untennable. Clinton was not to blame for Enron. Ken Lay and Skilling were the ones who were responsible for that. Aurthur Andersen a respectable auditing firm was forced to close because no one could trust them any longer. That type of coordinated corruption is not the result of Clinton being lax on enforcement. You amaze me with your blind devotion to anything that is "Conservative"
they are lying to you.....
Americans are just as evil as anyone else (and in a lot of cases more so) so being blindly devoted to anything creates a situation where you are blind.....
How can I say that????
Hanford, Love Canal, Tuskagee
that is just three examples of Government or Corporate abuse of power. The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance
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