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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

It's Thanksgiving It's Thanksgiving buy a bird buy a bird

Stuff it's butt with dressing
Stuff that bird
That was the song that Dad used to sing while drinking coffee and watching the parade. I remember getting up to be with him while he taught me the fine art of cooking turkey and getting everybody else to do the rest of the work. It was and for some still is one of the last great deals that we have.
I'll cook a 18 pound bird and provide you with stuffing and gravy, you get me :

Mashed Potatoes

Yams, varieties can vary candied to just whipped crazy with marshmellows

Green Bean Casserole. No dish known to man can compare in mass appeal. I dare you to find one that surpasses it.

bread of all types

ham (Honeybaked ham is proof that we can all live together in peace and harmony, well except the jews and muslims, and vegitarians and vegans, and whole foodists and macrobiotics, but otherwise everybody)

Cranberries is a sauce form

I'm sure there's more but you get the gist of it.

My mom made the best dish. I never liked and to this day do not care for, as a rule, Peas. But she did this thing with the tiny baby peas, mushrooms and onions. I accredit this dish with my love of mushrooms as an adult.

I am thankful today, amidst so much turmoil. We who are sitting at home, who have a home. Anyway it is my favorite holiday. I like to cook turkey. I like making gravy. I've learned how through trial and error and listening and watching my mother.

Thanksgiving is a day for men to enjoy football and women to be thankful that they can send the men out to the store for whatever they want or forgot. We just sort of all come together in the name of the Turkey.

So I got the bird out. 98 minutes later and I'm able to sit down to finish this blog entry.

Friends are arriving
Food is at ready and appetites are honed to a supernatural sharpness.

a haiku for you

Gravy drips oh my
dogs are wondering, can I?
we all sit in place

I want to say to my brother that even though you are not coming to Oregon to see my life I love you.
I want to say to my sister who knows me that I am with you even though there are miles between us.
I want mom to know that she has taught me well
Catie you need to know that we can be happy and I appreciate your efforts at making our lives better
Jennifer, you need to know what an organic turkey is
Uncle Bob and Aunt Claudia I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with Love and fun.
Carolyn and Reggie, you were always so fun to be with. I miss you.
And you know,
I miss Dad, a lot

Happy Thanksgiving


At 5:42 AM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Amen bro


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