A federal judge in Detroit yesterday ruled that President Bush's domestic terrorist surveillance program is unconstitutional, agreeing with a challenge from the American Civil Liberties Union and a group of lawyers, academics and journalists.
"The irreparable injury necessary to warrant injunctive relief is clear, as the First and Fourth Amendment rights of plaintiffs are violated" by the surveillance program, said U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor. "The irreparable injury conversely sustained by defendants under this injunction may be rectified by compliance with our Constitution.
"The public interest is clear in this matter," said Judge Diggs Taylor, who was appointed to the federal bench in 1979 by President Carter. "It is the upholding of our Constitution."
I don't think this will sit well with the "Islamofacist" haters out there. They will just see this as more reason to hate Carter. He appointed her. Let's see if the Supreme Court will be able to hold on to the thin margin and hold Bush accountable to the Rule of Law.
IMHO the Golden Rule could be applied here. We are supposed to be the greatest nation in the history of the world ever... So why can't we live in accordance with our laws? The law allows Bush to do what he needs to do. He simply has to obey the law. That is just not good enough for him and his cabal.
They want to have a "unitary president" who is above the law. Mush like King George was above the law. Much like Castro is above the law.
Remember it isn't Fascism when we do it!
It's called "freedom loving".
On a side note: I wonder if Bush realizes that a Constitutional amendment to define marriage would prevent him from marrying freedom?