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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Grey Girl is back home

Grey babes made it through the trials of being chewed on by some dog(s) with only a fractured (or rather luxated) sternum, several punctures and a pneumothorax or nearly collapsed lung.

This was from the hospital after she started to show signs that she was going to pull through. Dove Lewis is an amazing place for people who have traumatic pet related experiences. I never knew just how much these people cared for animals until this week. Check them out and feel free to make a donation to the Grey Girl recovery fund.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Don't take that tone with me

One of the things that bothers me about Bush (the guy who sez he is the President) is how the talk is usually aimed down at the simple people who just don't understand. Like when he said "War is not a time of joy. These are challenging times, and they're difficult times, and they're straining the psyche of our country. I understand that. You know, nobody likes to see innocent people die. Nobody wants to turn on their TV on a daily basis and see havoc wrought by terrorists."

Oh thank you masa!

Okay so he understands the complicated things that we just are not equipped to understand. We 'Mericans are simple minded fools (obviously since this is his second term) and need to have someone who "understands" up there taking care of us. He understands everything except: how to get along with the rest of the world, balance the budget, provide opportunity for the poor and disenfranchised, respond to criticism and change a failed policy, respect science, art and nature...

He really doesn't understand does he?

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Bush administration gets a bitch slap from the Judicial branch

A federal judge in Detroit yesterday ruled that President Bush's domestic terrorist surveillance program is unconstitutional, agreeing with a challenge from the American Civil Liberties Union and a group of lawyers, academics and journalists.
"The irreparable injury necessary to warrant injunctive relief is clear, as the First and Fourth Amendment rights of plaintiffs are violated" by the surveillance program, said U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor. "The irreparable injury conversely sustained by defendants under this injunction may be rectified by compliance with our Constitution.
"The public interest is clear in this matter," said Judge Diggs Taylor, who was appointed to the federal bench in 1979 by President Carter. "It is the upholding of our Constitution."

I don't think this will sit well with the "Islamofacist" haters out there. They will just see this as more reason to hate Carter. He appointed her. Let's see if the Supreme Court will be able to hold on to the thin margin and hold Bush accountable to the Rule of Law.
IMHO the Golden Rule could be applied here. We are supposed to be the greatest nation in the history of the world ever... So why can't we live in accordance with our laws? The law allows Bush to do what he needs to do. He simply has to obey the law. That is just not good enough for him and his cabal.
They want to have a "unitary president" who is above the law. Mush like King George was above the law. Much like Castro is above the law.

Remember it isn't Fascism when we do it!

It's called "freedom loving".

On a side note: I wonder if Bush realizes that a Constitutional amendment to define marriage would prevent him from marrying freedom?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

For the record

I do not believe anything the Bush administration says regarding "terror" or "homeland security".

I find it very questionable that this "terror plot" was uncovered the day after Lamont beat that assbag Lieberman. I think it is interesting that the Bush budget cut funding to find exactly the type of explosives that were intended to be used in this "terror plot".

I think it is sad that the government reaction to this is to take away more rights and liberties. I think it is even sadder that people are just fine with throwing away civil liberties because this government tells them that they will be safer.
Before 9/11/2001 when a plane was hijacked the point was usually to get something. "Take me to Cuba", or "give me a million dollars" was usually the scenario. So passengers on a hijacked plane were not scared for their lives necessarily. It was just a HUGE inconvenience. Now that we know what the hijackers will likely do I believe that no group of four or five hijackers is a match for a plane full of pissed off passengers. Personally if I were on a hijacked plane I would be beating the shit out of them and encouraging the rest of the men on the plane to do the same thing. Women nowadays get training on personal defense. I think that we could also put marshals with guns on the planes. The Myth Busters have already de-bunked the explosive decompression idea so that isn't a concern.

I think that America has lost the War on Terror. Bush quietly submitted to the one demand of Osama, to get the troops out of Saudi Arabia.


The Neo-Cons and sheeple of Red America are being lied to. I don't believe it. I don't believe any of it. I am less scared of Osama than I am of Bush and the elite power structure that he represents. That is why I believe that we have already lost.

Vote Democrat for a change. Maybe, just maybe we can take back America and make our country great again

Friday, August 11, 2006

More Graceland with BBLH Jesus

Still more BobbleHead Jesus

We went to The Rendevouz famos for ribs... I was not impressed. I make better ribs that I ate there. BBH Jesus got hammered and had a run in with the Man

What more can I say?

More BobbleHead Jesus

We took BBLH Jesus to, where else? Graceland! So here we are at the Peabody in Memphis...

He is Risen (or repaired)

So Liz's boyfriend is really good at fixing things. I had managed to get BBLH Jesus' head on, sort of. It was not that good though. It would keep popping off. Lucky for us, part of God's plan was about to be manifest (for privacy sake let's call him Rob)Rob managed to fix it and get it even better than before.

Here is a before picture...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I am sure that when each of us thinks of paradise we have a very individual idea or notion of how paradise is realized.
My mother is currently and has for a very long time (for human standards) has a personal relationship with Jesus. She has communion with the Holy Spirit and speaks in tongues. She also interprets tongues spoken by her and others. I've seen it many times and it always fills me with a sense of awe and amazement. I'm never scared though. I know that it is very real to her but I still have a hard time explaining it to my contemporaries. I tried to speak in tongues once or twice but I just don't get the flow of it. I think about how much I wanted to have the experience. Other teens around me were just going off with the speaking in tongues and convulsing etc... I had my hands out and my arms up but there was just nothing coming through. I could tell that the adults there were disappointed in me.

Oh well.

So the Holy Spirit and I have a more low key relationship I suppose. Some people need to have this kind of tangible mystery in their lives to feel comfortable.
Muslims believe that Mohammad flew away on a winged horse. He ascended into heaven and is still alive.

At least Jesus died.

The Hindus have the coolest religion. The whole many armed god thing is just awesome. They must think that the whole Muslim, Jewish, Christian situation is insane. There they are with their elephant headed four armed god and donkey headed alligator god but they think the whole trinity of monotheism must be simply bats in the belfry. How funny is that?

Muslim men are being told that they can enter paradise if they are martyrs for Islam. Virgins and honey etc...
Mormons ride around and go to missions in distant lands and they got their version of the true religion from a guy that had conversations with angles. Now I am no theologian but I do remember that special weight was put on the words that Jesus spoke and one of the things that he said was that people and angels would come claiming that they bore the message of God, but that these were false prophets and deceivers of man. So did Joseph Smith not know that? If he did do you think that he would have believed the "angel" Moroni? I don't. At least the Mormons take care of each other.
Muslims and Islamoramadamas and Christians and Jews and Mormons and Catholics and Wiccans and Satanists and Druids and Jehovas Witness' and Seventh Day Adventists and Quakers and Snake Handlers and Shakers and Hindus and Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster all have their own convictions and idea of what paradise is.
For me paradise is throwing the tennis ball for Olive and watching her swim like a torpedo and then going to some place like the Tin Shed for dinner and drinks and good conversation.