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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

For the record

I do not believe anything the Bush administration says regarding "terror" or "homeland security".

I find it very questionable that this "terror plot" was uncovered the day after Lamont beat that assbag Lieberman. I think it is interesting that the Bush budget cut funding to find exactly the type of explosives that were intended to be used in this "terror plot".

I think it is sad that the government reaction to this is to take away more rights and liberties. I think it is even sadder that people are just fine with throwing away civil liberties because this government tells them that they will be safer.
Before 9/11/2001 when a plane was hijacked the point was usually to get something. "Take me to Cuba", or "give me a million dollars" was usually the scenario. So passengers on a hijacked plane were not scared for their lives necessarily. It was just a HUGE inconvenience. Now that we know what the hijackers will likely do I believe that no group of four or five hijackers is a match for a plane full of pissed off passengers. Personally if I were on a hijacked plane I would be beating the shit out of them and encouraging the rest of the men on the plane to do the same thing. Women nowadays get training on personal defense. I think that we could also put marshals with guns on the planes. The Myth Busters have already de-bunked the explosive decompression idea so that isn't a concern.

I think that America has lost the War on Terror. Bush quietly submitted to the one demand of Osama, to get the troops out of Saudi Arabia.


The Neo-Cons and sheeple of Red America are being lied to. I don't believe it. I don't believe any of it. I am less scared of Osama than I am of Bush and the elite power structure that he represents. That is why I believe that we have already lost.

Vote Democrat for a change. Maybe, just maybe we can take back America and make our country great again


At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LTH, I have requested that you not comment on my blog, now I am requesting that you take the link off. I know how you and your friends feel and would appreciate you leaving me and my blog out of it as you don't know me nor my beliefs. Thank you.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Anna it is common to link to others when posting. Anyone looking at your site will see that you advocate for: the Bush administration, giving up our civil liberties in exchange for "security", believe that this is a just war, groups or individuals who disagree be labeled as cowards, commies etc...
I do know your beliefs because I read your blog. I do not see how my link to your blog is causing any harm. I am not the only blogger in the world who stumbles across your site. People are free to link. It isn't like I put you on my side-bar as someone I admire or like. I'm linking to your content as an example of the rhetoric that I find alarming in America today.
This is a public forum. Sorry but I'm leaving my entry the way it is. Besides, I thought that people liked it when others linked to their site.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

and nobody that is a liberal should be bothering Anna!

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scot, you are amazing.

"Anyone looking at your site will see that you advocate for: the Bush administration, giving up our civil liberties in exchange for "security", believe that this is a just war, groups or individuals who disagree be labeled as cowards, commies etc..."

I have not called you any names, though others on a comment thread may have. You assume a lot from a hand full of posts. And that's what ticks me off.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

anna I'm not calling you names at all. I am telling you what I surmise from reading your blog. I don't get the feeling that you disagree with the war in Iraq, Homeland Security, think that the ACLU is doing anything good for America, support the principal of the government not endorsing or supporting any religion, or desire an end to the military industrial complex.
From your own words I see someone who supports Bush, Blair and the War in Iraq. I see someone who believes that it is okay to give up rights if it is done under the guise of fighting terrorism and you do call liberals and dissenters out as misguided, underminers of freedom. You call for us to leave the country, or agree with the comments to that regard.
If that isn't what you think then you need to go back and set the record straight.
If you think that Bush is wrong then you need to say so.
If you think that people like me who want an end to this war-for-profit can still support the troops by calling for accountability as to the reasons they were sent to war then you need to say so.

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't claiming that you called me names, Scot. I said I had not called you names.

You have assumed an all-or-nothing view (i.e. I am happy the ACLU lost on the random baggage check therefore I must be willing to give up my civil liberties) and I suppose that no matter what I say, I will not convince you that it isn't what you say, it's what you assume. But whatever, Scot, you believe what you's still a free country after all.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

yeah, for now.
I don't understand why you say things like "I’m all for safety and security, Mike. And I would gladly spend two hours waiting to board a plane then to get on said plane and have it blow up!" if you don't support what the TSA is doing?
When I read your blog I am getting an insight into who you are. So while I don't know you as someone I've known for years I know what you say. Your words and the respons to others tells me a lot about you.
Don't assume that I am dissrespecting you because I disagree with the way the country is being mis-led.
I'd be happy to have you explain your position. I've invited you to do just that. I am giddy that you even looked at my blog.
Politics and warmongering aside I don't think that you are a bad person. I hope I have never given you the impression that I feel that way.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

To put a blog like she has up on public and then say that I don't know who she is seems odd to me. A blog is an introduction to the world as to who you are, or just entertainment and fun. Still I can't see how she can claim that she doesn't support the Bush policies while having the blog that she has. The other one, "In the right place", is even more of an inditement of her personal beliefs, clearly placing her along with the neo-con's and their agenda.
I noticed that she had removed the whole post about how "you don't know me" from yesterday. If you don't want people commenting then don't allow comments, simple. I saw a few other people commenting that took her to task on the idiotic position that the ACLU is evil.
I think she is Catholic and as a result, has lost her ability to think for herself. Why bother when the pope tells you how to think, act and get into heaven.
To bad that if one reads the bible and truly believes in what Jesus (supposedly) said it invalidates the Catholic belief structure. But that is another topic all by itself.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Be nice to Anna bro.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Sean Neoconnery said...

Yeah, yeah. I'm being nice.



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