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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Proof of progress in the war on TERROR

Abdul Rahman, a 41-year-old former medical aid worker, faces the death penalty for becoming a Christian under Afghanistan's Islamic laws.

I'm so glad that Iraq is headed for the same type of theocratic "democracy" that exists in Afghanistan. We did a great job ousting a secular dictatorship which had been a faithful tool of the CIA in favor of a rabid frothing at the mouth group of Imams calling for a strict adherence to Islamic "Law".

Now I am not a pusher of religiosity so I hate seeing this anywhere. I think it is especially messed up when we see it in a country we recently invaded. When we claim to have "promoted democracy" and "freedom" in a country that is thousands of years older with a history that shows us as the punks we are it makes Bush and his criminal cabal's rhetoric even more hollow and meaningless.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The real answer to Helen Thomas's question

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

When Bush speaks of progress

He isn't talking to 90% of Americans.

When speaking of reform or programs and cutting discretionary spending, he is addressing his "Al Queida" or "base" and the rest of us are just out of luck.

People who depend on the programs he is cutting like children of single mothers or fathers, college kids from poor families and most of America are of no concern to him.

When he talks about progress in Iraq and why we are there and says things like "I didn't want war" he is of course lying. He lies so easily after doing it for the last five years that it is almost believable. In fact a lot of people believe what he says is the truth.
Somehow the actions never match the rhetoric...

Monday, March 20, 2006

No accountability or I never met a deficit I didn't like: Bush's plan for America

CLEVELAND - President Bush Monday signed into law a $781 billion increase in U.S. borrowing authority, making the Treasury Department's new debt limit $8.965 trillion, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

Last week, the Senate approved the increase in borrowing authority requested by the Treasury Department to avoid a government default. The U.S. House of Representatives approved the legislation nearly a year ago.


Bush is destroying America through his policies of cutting the taxes for the richest people who can most afford to pay them, lining the nest of oil companies, mining companies and other big corporate interests.

These people are so bad for America.

Can I run a deficit into the hundreds of thousands? NO! The banks take my stuff. The credit companies garner wages. I have to live within my means or extend slightly to the point that I can cover my debit. Why do we as Americans elect leaders who bankrupt our national budget?
Kick the whole lot out. Tom Delay and his crew need to work at Burger King at minimum wage for a few years. Bush needs to send his daughters to serve in the war against TERROR and you need to vote out any Republican who is in office so that we can regain a balance in our government.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Never Mine Sago, We Need to Fine CBS

For an owner of a mine in America, the minimum fine for a safety violation is $60. The maximum is $60,000, a cap imposed by Congress. There has been a request of lawmakers to boost that maximum fine to $220,000.
In contrast to the death and dismemberment of humans by accidents in mines where safety is a third or fourth priority we have the FCC fines for indecency. Offensive instances like Janet Jackson's nipple incident and a show where kids are engaged in an orgy evoke fines of OVER $500,000.00 AND $3.6 million. The FCC brought fines against dozens of CBS stations and affiliates on what regulators called indecent television programming.

Our government is insane. You Rapeublicans and Moral Majority Friends of the Family types can not mandate morality. I'm all for decency in broadcast T.V. that is why we have cable. Cable allows people to engage in the reality of sex drugs and rock n roll without getting fined a million dollars. But seriously why is it that people are dying because a mine owner doesn't pay a few thousand to make the place safe and they get fined a few thousand dollars (they can probably claim it as a loss on their taxes) but a T.V. show gets millions of dollars in fines? Don't we have it backwards? I thought you Rethuglicans had this "sanctity of LIFE" thing. Oh right that only applies to an embryo. Once we are out of the woman we are cannon fodder.

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is an asshat! He should listen to Bill O'Rieley. Now there's a real obscene bit of programming!