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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Proof of progress in the war on TERROR

Abdul Rahman, a 41-year-old former medical aid worker, faces the death penalty for becoming a Christian under Afghanistan's Islamic laws.

I'm so glad that Iraq is headed for the same type of theocratic "democracy" that exists in Afghanistan. We did a great job ousting a secular dictatorship which had been a faithful tool of the CIA in favor of a rabid frothing at the mouth group of Imams calling for a strict adherence to Islamic "Law".

Now I am not a pusher of religiosity so I hate seeing this anywhere. I think it is especially messed up when we see it in a country we recently invaded. When we claim to have "promoted democracy" and "freedom" in a country that is thousands of years older with a history that shows us as the punks we are it makes Bush and his criminal cabal's rhetoric even more hollow and meaningless.


At 7:00 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

I thought it was a GOOD thing to withdraw and stop interfering in other countries business?

Or is this just another way to down Bush?

Wait, don't answer that.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Yes, I too, used to believe the crap that Republicans spew out, until I saw prosperity and a balanced budget under a Democrat (Clinton). Maybe if W. got a BJ in the oval office he wouldn't feel the need to wage war against everybody in the world except evangelical Christians. I agree with Jimmyb "Dude, where's my party?"


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