The War President
SO there is a lot of divisiveness in America right now.
Republicans and Democrats both think they are right.
I hear "conservatives" and "liberals" (mostly "conservatives" though, they seem to think that once they have a label like that then they are always right and if anybody disagrees with them then they are "liberals" and therefore wrong) talking about why they are right and the other side is wrong.
I hear Bush talking about terror and war and waging war and defending America and "Freedom Loving People" and "Haters" (he really called the Democrats haters. Ah Priceless) but I don't hear him talking about the millions of people that disagree with his policies.
He is supposed to represent American values, not enact his own.
He was not hired as the CEO.
He was (argueably) elected to represent Americans and uphold the Constitution of the USA.
The fact that he refuses to acknowledge divergent opinions should make and true Conservative take issue with him. The fact that he is directly violating the seperation clause of the Constitution should concern everyone (even Christians) because regardless of personal belief the responsibility of the President is to uphold the Constitution.
Even if we did hire him to be the CEO I think we have a problem.
If you were a shareholder and your CEO decided to say change the core business function, like the CEO of Nike deciding that from this point forward they would make network routers and stop making athletic supplies, then when the shareholders took issue with it he said, "this is the direction we are going in. I prayed and God told me to do this." He would be fired.
He would be fired because he violated the charter.
He took the company in a direction that it was never intended to go in.
Now as voters and taxpayers we are like the shareholders of a really big company. It is our responsibility to make sure that our CEO (president) is listening to the shareholders. If the shareholders of a corporation say 'divest our widget holdings and focus on the divot manufacturing' and the CEO invests all the capital in widgets he is violating the trust that the shareholders have placed in him.
When Bush stands up in front of Millions of Americans as they protest and says you are a "focus group" he is disregarding the voices of his shareholders.
Even if you think $125.00 of a tax return is a great thing you have to realize that this President is acting as if America is his company.
He is acting as if no one else matters when it comes to the decision making for the direction that the Country needs to head. We have a name for that type of person and I believe it is called a Dictator.
He is using his position to gain personal wealth and creating divisions in America and in the World.
Now there may be people who don't care about how America is viewed in the World. I understand that sentiment. I grew up in Georgia. In the South, more often than not, people want to see bombs drop. They want to see bullets fly and bodies shipped around in bags. They like gravestones. It makes them feel good that America is killing people because then we have an enemy. They feel this way because that was how they were raised.
Very few people who have served in a war zone want to see it again. Very few people who think about the sanctity of human life (something I think Christians would understand) want to see a war. Terrorisim has existed for a long time. As long as there is a millitary industrial complex in control of the government we will have terrorists. They are essential for the sale of arms to continue.
So that brings me to my main point. If Bush really wanted to end terrorism he would stop the mass production of bombs, guns, landmines, nuclear weapons, fighter jets, bombers, warships. etc.... He does nothing about the cause of the terror because his power in America is dependent on making the majority of Americans afraid. Fear is his only real tool and he wields is without compunction.
If Bush wanted to bring America together he would acknowledge the divergent opionions and work to incorporate them into his policies. But he does not want that. He wants the 'conservatives' and the 'liberals' to hate each other. He wants the keep America busy and distracted so that while the 'conservatives' say we are right and anybody that supports a Democrat is weak minded he can plunder the treasury. Whlie the Democrats are trying to appeal to the simple minded masses they are constantly forced to find ways where they are similar to the Republicans so that the masses will not feel like they will be faced with a real paradigm shift if the vote for a Democrat. It is a really slick setup that we are dealing with. Really smart people are falling for the gag. Really well intentioned Americans think that we are truly in grave danger and should give up our rights so that we can be more safe.
In the mean time Bush is making the world look like a very scary place. He is helping the cause by giving the terrorists exactly what they thought we would become. I think a name needs to be added to the Axis of Evil and George W Bush is that name.
This is a very long post, but all I can say is that:
I've travelling overseas with both the military and the State Department. I can tell you that people have hated us since 1986. Why, because we are the most powerful Nation in the world and we have democracy. A people's faith is their faith. I at least respect someone who goes to church and believes in God, not go to church, pose and then gets a BJ in the Oval office (Does that sound familiar?)
I was in Moscow when President Clinton bombed Iraq, in a sort of Wag-the-Dog move to confuse the American people. I remember a sign that one of the many protesters had it said, "Iraq is not Monica, Hands off Bill!" I could describe the drawing on it, but you wouldn't believe me.
Is that the respect that Senator Kerry wants to bring us back to in the world? No Thanks!
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