The sky is green and the trees are blue
Look, I actually watched McCain and his speech to accept the Republican nomination. I have to say that he did a really good job. I felt sincerity from him and I do believe that he wants to make America better. I just don't believe for a second that he is going to make America better for me. If I were the heir of a massive fortune, owned a fortune 500 company, sports team, television station or participated in the accumulation of wealth similar to those folks, perhaps he would be addressing my interests. I don't, and he isn't. Palin isn't talking to me either. She's talking at me, trying to get me to react out of fear to vote for the Repub's. Fear is a powerful motivator. So is sex. So if Palin in her hotness can con you into thinking that the Republicans are going to perform an about-face after eight years and actually match the actions to the rhetoric then she has done her job. If McCain can con you into thinking that he is going to be a 'maverick' and rid the government of waste, special interest and corruption as well as protect you from the evil scary Iranians then he has succeeded.
I know it will work on some of America. It just isn't working on me.
The trees are green and the sky is blue.
Just because Sarah Palin says that Obama is going to raise your taxes doesn't mean that he will.
In her speech she made some comment about her sister opening a gas station and that Obama wants to tax her business!!! Shocking! LIBERAL!!! The problem is that she led you to believe that Obama is going to RAISE taxes on that business. She fails to point out that McCain/Palin will expect that business to pay taxes just like Obama/Biden. Everyone (except the oil companies) pays taxes.
She's good. I just hope that America can remember the past eight years and realize that this ticket is just more of the same.
So McCain isn't fooling you?
Me either.
I do like Palin though. She's very real. That's refreshing.
I love you bro.
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