I smell a turd being carried by a rat which stinks BTW
Remember when Bush tried to privatize Social Security and make it so that all the federal monies went to Wall Street investment banks? Remember how he was bitch slapped by everyone from both parties?
We thought he had gone away and was licking his wounds. He was just waiting.
This "Financial Crisis" and associated bailout is just his (hopefully) last great big fuck you to America.
700 billion dollars to the bankers who have squandered billions?
"Piss off!" I say.
Let the banks get the money they need by taking back the money these financial rapists (read: CEO) took from hard working Americans.
When a financial institution pays 72 million to an officer and then turns around and claims insolvency, they are lying. The money is out there; it's in the pool house, 9th home, private jet etc...
Then they try to ram this through like Iraq, the Patriot Act etc... it makes me want to move to Cuba or Venezuela because at least the governments there are honest about socialization. They don't just lie to you and steal your money. They just take your money.
I would rather have honesty than lies. Either way they take your money...
If I were you, I would go to Venezuela. That's where all the true liberals go to hang out with ole Hugo. Don't forget to take sean penn, babs, and cindy seehan with you.
I have to admit that I agree about this bailout. I say let them fall on their ass's.
you are me Sandy! Surprise!!!
Will you be choosing Cuba or Venezula?
I think it is funny that you are so eager to call me a liberal while still grudgingly admitting that I am right about the "bailout".
But seriously, Hugo loves to throw parties. You will have a great time I'm sure. Just tell them that you're Liberal Treehugger and they will throw down the red carpet
Well lib, you know the old saying, even a blind squirrel will find an acorn sometimes.
A liberal can't be wrong all the time. Odds are in your favor that you might be right once in awhile. Just savor the moment and enjoy it. It doesn't happen that often.
Congrtalulations liberaltree huggy. Another misguided lib has found your blog. I hope he's not related. You and stew seem to have a lot more class than blackdragon.
I forgot. I've been called a homophobe before because I think gays are immoral idiots, but never been called a closeted homo.
blackdragon must not have a very big vocabulary.
freedom of speach and expression are wonderful things.
I think BD is referring to the nature of what seems to be a majority of Republican congressmen to be closeted homosexuals.
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