The problem I see with outsourcing our military functions to a group of private
mercenaries is that, over time if we allow this "agency" to be unaccountable to anyone other
than a CEO or President or shareholders, is that when it comes time for them to loose their minds and go
Apocalypse Now on us, is there anyone left that can take them out. Aside from the Army, nope they can't do it, well then we can send the Marines, right? No? The Navy? What about a strike with the F-18? Nukes? What point do we draw the line and stop these hired killers?
Blackwater seems to be, from what I've seen, the new Confederate Army. Why is it that we are allowing this group of profit motivated killers take the role of the US
military? It was all set up by
Rumsfeld and Cheney as a way to make the old military obsolete. See it is a problem when the military has to answer to political forces. Just ask the generals in Myanmar... It is much easier to kill
someone when you don't have to get congressional approval.
Why is it that no one seems to be concerned that this group is armed to the teeth with machine guns, tanks, attack helicopters, and hordes of men who are itching to kill someone? What are they going to do if they lose the Iraq contract?
Sometimes I think that I think too much