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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I do not believe the Bush Administration

I do not believe what they are telling us.

I do not believe that we should have to sacrifice our liberties for safety.

I don't believe that the other nations "hate us because of our freeodm" or that Bush is "spreading democracy" to the Middle East.

I don't believe that Bush is cutting taxes for most Americans or that if Democrats are elected that middle class taxes will increase.

I don't believe that we will be attacked if Democrats win in November or that terrorists will see us as being "weak or lacking resolve".

I do not believe that we can balance the budget while waging war and cut taxes to corporations and the top 1% of Americans.

I do not believe that Hugo Chaves is a threat to America.

I don't think Saddam Hussien was a threat to America or that Iran is a threat.

I reject the premise that we need to strike first even if there is only a "one percent chance" in order to be safe.

I don't believe that ANYTHING the TSA is doing is keeping us safe.

I do not believe that a terrorist could get away with using liquid explosives to blow up an airliner.

I do not believe that a plane will ever be hijacked again and used as a missle now that we know that trick.

I do not believe that Mexican aliens are the cause of our problems.

I do not believe that the electronic voting machines are secure, accurate or auditable.

I do not believe that America is better off after six years of this regime.

I do not believe that America can recover from this tragedy if the Republicans retain the majority.

I do not believe that America has the best: highway system, healthcare system, political system, or communications systems any longer.

I do not believe that any Republican is willing to stand up to what is being done to their party under the guidance of the Bush team.

I do not believe that the ACLU is evil, pro-choice means pro abortion or the right to privacy is worth giving up.

I do not believe that "if you don't have anything to hide then you should'nt care that the government is eavesdroping on you".

I don't believe that America will be great again until we restore the things that made us great to begin with.

Right now we are just barely limping along. I hope we can make America great again.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

yeah or they blame it on the victim. Or they say If only I had known. I thought that when one was in a position of leadership they were required to know what the people in their service were doing. When a leader or manager is seriously out of touch with their staff they usually get fired.
Or resign...
psst, Denney, "ahhh we're gonna need you to move down to storage room B and set up your desk there mmmmkay?"

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Hey bro, what do you think of the Fair Tax idea?

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

I don't know a lot about it but I started to check it out. They say the devil is in the details so I can't be sure from a quick check but anything that brings a balance to the current situation is an improvement. I like a consumption tax. I think a flat 5% would be good too.


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