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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea

I'm sure that it was Bill Clinton’s fault that the North Korean's tested a nuclear bomb. It is either Clinton's fault or Jimmy Carter's.

Now I know any thinking reasoning person is going to say “Wait a minute! Those guys have been out of office for at least six years or more. How could they be responsible for that?" Thinking people will claim that, when Clinton left office there was an inspection process in place, with locks on facilities and zero fissionable plutonium. They will try to claim that Jimmy Carter didn't have any problems with nuclear proliferation.

That is where they would have to recheck their facts!

Democrats have an unquestionable ability to make you think that they are "promoting peace" or "seeking to stop proliferation by adhering to international treaties" while in fact they are selling atomic weapons out of the back of their Prius.
If we look closely at the facts (fair and balanced) we see that Bill Clinton loaned Airforce One to Kim Jong Ill's dad but forgot to take the plutonium out of the cargo bay. We would also see that Carter claimed to be building houses for poor people but in reality he was making centrifuges for uranium enrichment and GIVING them to North Korea.
The fact that Dubya pulled the USA out of the Strategic Arms treaty and invested billions on "low yield" nuclear weapons and "bunker buster" weapons, then invaded a country under the false pretense of disarming a nuclear threat, thus making every dictator not on the CIA payroll as nervous as Rush at a Narcotic Anonymous meeting, has nothing to do with either Iran trying or North Korea (perhaps) actually making a nuclear bomb.

Dubya is not creating terrorists by his refusal to accept any other opinions, look at facts, think, read, examine history or get to know what other nations think about his policies. They were always there. He is just casting the light on them so we can now see them.
That's right! Terrorists were under your bed and in your closet all this time. They were sitting on the bus with you. They were in the bus in front of you while you rode alone in your SUV 20 miles to your job. You just never saw them because no one ever asked them to "bring it on".
See it takes a real Doer or a "Decider" to bring them to the forefront of your world.
Clinton tried to make peace by bringing prosperity to everyone. The poor got closer to the middle class, the middle class got closer to the upper class. Everyone started to feel good about America. The rich got richer too.
Thank God that Monica showed up and gave us something to persecute him for.

All I can say now is that if we don't allow Dubya to put mind control implants into our heads, the terrorists will win. Again.


At 1:58 AM, Blogger Sean Neoconnery said...

Most things that are wrong are Bill Clinton's fault, everything else is Jimmy Carter's fault.

Have a good week.


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