Government of the people by the wealthy
As reported by MSNBC
WASHINGTON - Despite record low approval ratings, House lawmakers Tuesday embraced a $3,300 pay raise that will increase their salaries to $168,500.
The 2 percent cost-of-living raise would be the seventh straight for members of the House and Senate.
Lawmakers easily squelched a bid by Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, to get a direct vote to block the COLA, which is automatically awarded unless lawmakers vote to block it.
Notice that a Democrat tried to stop this but the Republican controlled House took care of his lofty idealism with the ruthless efficiency they are known for.
Now why can't we raise the minimum wage? Oh that's right, if we pay people a living wage they will have time to think about the policies and might even question a few decisions that the "Decider" makes.
People need to stop blaming the Democrats and look squarely at who has been in control for the last 6 years. Who was that again? Oh, Right! THE DECIDER
So you think we should raise the minimum wage?
I think we should pay a living wage. I think that putting more money in the pockets of the lower and middle class will help the economy more than the repeal of the Paris Hilton tax or a COLA for Congress.
hmmm, maybe if we gave more money to people (and called it a "living wage") who don't have as much as say, Dick Cheney, they would be responsible with that additional money, invest it and, say donate to charity.
Or they could buy more Girls Gone Wild videos.
Poor people are poor because of the decisions they make.
Josh it isn't that simple. I'm not falling into the "blame it all on Bush" mentality. HIn this case he brings it upon himself. His party
is in control of everything. As we see the party in control has no desire to address the needs of the working poor
"The 52-46 vote was eight short of the 60 needed for approval and came one day after House Republican leaders made clear they do not intend to allow a vote on the issue, fearing it might pass."
In fact they are seeking to deny even the chance to pass legislation aimed at making the poorest working families a little better off.
This comment is a bit late, but I just stumbled onto your blog today. First of all, I hope Stew is kidding about poor people making their choices. If not, he's just another overpriviledged white boy who was damn lucky to have been born in the suburbs who doesn't understand the opportunities that come to those lucky enough to have been born with lighter skin and more money.
In the words of the great Immortal Technique:
"The sound of conservative politicians on television
People in the 'hood dyin', and they tell us to listen
They vote to go to war instantly
But none of their kids serve in the infantry
The odds are stacked against us like a casino
Think about it, most of the army is black and Latino
And if you can't acknowledge the truth of my words
Then you're just another stupid mothafucka out on the curb
Tryin' to escape the ghetto with your ignorant ways
But you can't read history at an illiterate stage
And you can't raise a family on minimum wage
Why the fuck you think most of us are locked in a cage?..."
check out my blog:
p.s. ironically, I had to type "xdgop" into the word verification to post this message. I can't wait to x d GOP this November (assuming Diebold doesn't hand them another one).
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