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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Why Bush is spying on us

The fine folks over at like to be apologists for the Bush criminal enterprise. They call liberals moonbats and propose that anyone who disagrees with the Bush administration's policies or actions are treasonous commie American haters. It must have been a really hard year for them in '05 what with all of the mis-steps, blunders and failures Bush managed to pull off. Now at the end of the year we Americans find out that he has been spying on us. First he claimed that is was only communications from outside America from "Known Al-Queida agents" but then his staff had to quietly correct him and stated that no it was actually domestic and foreign communications and no there was no oversight.
No oversight...
Senator Rockefeller had to write a letter by hand to Satan er.. Cheney expressing his concerns and displeasure with these actions. He was sworn to secrecy and then cut out of the process. Now that it is news we hear from others...

"There is no doubt that this is inappropriate," said Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican and chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, appeared annoyed that the first he had heard of such a program was through a New York Times story published Friday. He said the report was troubling.
How did we get to this place of shadow government and domestic spying?

When it came to wiretapping the Court outlined seven constitutional requirements:
(1) a showing of probable cause that a particular offense has been or is about to be committed; (2) the applicant must describe with particularity the conversations to be intercepted;
(3) the surveillance must be for a specific, limited period of time in order to minimize the invasion of privacy (the N.Y. law authorized two months of surveillance at a time);
(4) there must be continuing probable cause showings for the surveillance to continue beyond the original termination date;
(5) the surveillance must end once the conversation sought is seized;
(6) notice must be given unless there is an adequate showing of exigency; and
(7) a return on the warrant is required so that the court may oversee and limit the use of the intercepted conversations

in the 1970s the political winds changed. The 1975-76 Church Committee hearings documented extraordinary federal government abuse of surveillance powers. Examples included the the NSA's Operation Shamrock and Operation Minaret, CIA's Operation CHAOS, the FBI's COINTELPRO

domestic harassment of dissenters and anti-war protesters that included illegal wiretapping,

and the illegal burglaries of the Nixon White House "plumbers."
The Church Committee Report found that covert action had been excessive, had circumvented the democratic process, and had violated the Constitution. It concluded that Congress needed to prescribe rules for intelligence activities.
Under the Fourth Amendment, a search warrant must be based on probable cause to believe that a crime has been or is being committed. This is not the general rule under FISA.

If the target is a "U.S. person," which includes permanent resident aliens and associations and corporations substantially composed of U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens, 50 U.S.C.A. § 1801(i), there must be probable cause to believe that the U.S. person's activities "may" or "are about to" involve a violation of the criminal statutes of the United States. § 1801(b)(2)(A),(B); see also § 1801(b)(2)(C) (knowingly engages in activities in preparation for sabotage or "international terrorism" on behalf of a foreign power); § 1801(b)(2)(D) (knowingly enters the United States under a false or fraudulent identity for or on behalf of a foreign power or, while in the United States, knowingly assumes a false or fraudulent identity for or on behalf of a foreign power).
A "United States person" may not be determined to be an agent of a foreign power "solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States." 50 U.S.C. § 1805(a)(3)(A).

Most important, FISA powers are broad and vague, and the secrecy of FISA proceedings makes FISA powers susceptible to abuse.
FISA power extends well beyond spies and terrorists. It can be used in connection with ordinary criminal investigations involving United States citizens who live in this country and who may be charged with offenses such as narcotics violations or breaches of an employer's confidentiality. 50 U.S.C. §§ 1806, 1825.
For instance, electronic surveillance under § 1801(f)(1) only reaches wire or radio communications "sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person" and a warrant would ordinarily be required. If the U.S. person is not "known," or more important, not "intentionally" targeted, it simply isn't "electronic surveillance" under § 1801(f)(1).
Note also that FISA expressly contemplates that it will produce "unintentionally acquired information." § 1806(i). But while this section requires the destruction of such information, it only applies to "the contents of any radio communication," only if a warrant would have been required, and only if both the sender and intended recipients are within the United States.
Given these limits, one may presume that "unintentionally acquired information" outside these lines is not destroyed. That would include all "unintentionally acquired"wire or electronic communications.
Does FISA authorize surveillance without a court order?
Yes. In general, the Justice Department may engage in electronic surveillance to collect FII without a court order for periods up to one year. 50 U.S.C. § 1802. There must be no "substantial likelihood" that the intercepted communications include those to which a U.S. person is a party. § 1802(a)(1)(B).
Such electronic surveillance must be certified by the Attorney General and then noticed to the Senate and House intelligence committees. § 1802(a)(2). A copy of the certification must be filed with the FISC, where it remains sealed unless (a) an application for a warrant with respect to it is filed, or (b) the legality of the surveillance is challenged in another federal district court under § 1806(f). § 1802(a)(3). Common carriers must assist in the surveillance and maintain its secrecy. § 1802(a)(4).
In emergencies, the Attorney General may authorize immediate surveillance but must "as soon as practicable, but not more than twenty-four hours" later, seek judicial review of the emergency application. § 1805(e).
SO, for Bush to claim that working within the "constraints" imposed by the "Law" (or acting lawfully) hindered his ability to gather information critical on the war on terror is a LIE or at best a weak excuse. What really seems to be going on here is a President who thinks he is above the law and that those details are for other less affluent privilidged people than him and his cohorts.
Now we have to decide if America should be ruled by a tyrant. Do we comply with the agenda set forth by Bush and in doing so eliminate any moral authority we once had? Or do we hold him and his staff accountable for breaking the law?
The rest of the world is watching to see just how great America is.
The terrorists are watching too. They like to see how much freedom we have given away for the sake of "security" and "Democracy". We loose when we become what we are fighting against.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Glad to have you back Sean... let me know when you get set up in New Zeland and me and my sister will come visit.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Wow, you just made a great commentary on why the left should never be trusted to provide for National Security.

The wiretaps were based on information gleaned from a raid in Afghanistan. Of Al Quicheida operatives.

Are you postulating that this should be a major stance of the Democrappic (we put the party in Democratic Party) Party?

Are you even mildly righteously indignant that US citizens were trying to communicate with terrorists?

And finally, you're complaining about BUSH being "above the law"? I just forgot maybe, but where is your condemnation of Clinton?

Oh. Right. Democrat.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Good lord bro... Can't you ever stop looking at Clinton? Okay for you I condemm Clinton for lying about a dick sucking incident. Now for the issue of thousands dying for a bunch of war profiteers to get rich because Bush lied....
Here is the whole point about the Rule of Law. It applies to everyone. Not just Clinton. Clinton is over and done with. His impeachment trials were public and years ago. Now in the present we have Bush. He is the topic of the day. Not Clinton.
Re-read the post. Stop trying to defend Bush's action by claiming that Clinton did something years ago. Actually go ahead and rally the troops around the anti-Clinton banner. It will only serve to show that the only defense of the neo-con agenda is bashing Clinton. You have no substance. Deal with reality. Bush wants to be a dictator. I choose NO to that. Impeach the criminal. Stop trying to scare me with terrorisim. There are so many holes in your logic when it comes to Bush I can't figure out where to start.
Since there is no oversight in the spy program how do you know anything about who got calls or placed calls? Did they use the same intelligence gathering methods for the spy program as they used for justifying the war in Iraq? That would make me feel great about this program. You are just being a desperate apologist.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Stellar, world class dodge!!!

Answer the questions. Each one.

Forget about Clinton, I just threw that in there to piss you off. And it worked apparently


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Q: Are you postulating that this should be a major stance of the Democrappic (we put the party in Democratic Party) Party?

A: What? Illegal wiretaps? No that should not(!) be a part of the Dem's platform. In fact I think adherance to the law should be seen as a virtue.

Q:Are you even mildly righteously indignant that US citizens were trying to communicate with terrorists?

A: Were they? How do you know that? Are you basing that on what the Bushies are telling you? Can I see some detailed information on who was survailed and what information was gleaned (I love that word) from the un warranted searches? If in fact there was communication from AlQaeda to Americans then yes I am indignant. If it is a sales call from some guy named Achmed then no I'm not so bent...
How about the calls from people inside America? What was tapped? when was it done? Thing is I have a problem with Bush acting like the Law doesn't apply to him. Terrorism is a weak excuse to go acting like a dictator.

Q:And finally, you're complaining about BUSH being "above the law"? I just forgot maybe, but where is your condemnation of Clinton?

Oh. Right. Democrat.

A: I am so condemming Clinton for getting head in office! How DARE him! Then he LIED about it! OUTRAGE!!! So many people suffered not just in America but in the world because he got his wiener sucked. The flames and bullets! The phosphorous bombs and Depleted Uranium that came as a direct result of his infidelity. Tragic. Sigh...
Now can we deal with reality and the asshat running this country into the ground?

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

This is... the first time.. you've ever actually ANSWERED the question.

I'm sorry, I'm faint.

Right then!
So WHY do you think the people had Osama Bin Wacko's cellphone number?

Forget about Clinton please. I can't bear to laugh anymore.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

that is such B.S. and you know it. I always answer your questions. You just don't like to engage in a discussion where Bush is criticized. Now you answer MY question. How do you know that anyone had Osama's cell number? How can you discuss anything of detail regarding the illegal spying program that Bush authorized? There is no oversight, accountability, guideline. Just knowing that he has done it and indeed continues to do it. Spying on Americans. Personally I do not feel safer at all. I do not believe that Bush spied on people calling Osama. I think he spied on Kerry and the others. I think he used this to prepare counter attacks on anti-war groups and the like. I think it is totally wrong and he should be impeached.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Stew Magoo said...

Did you call for an impeachment when Clinton used the FBI to pull files from the IRS on Republicans?

Cause I forgot that part.

But then again, there is no left wing media bias.

Okay I'll answer your questions:
I know that the targets of the search were from the raid in Afghanistan because the right wing media reported it. Fox News, Ann Coulter, and the blogosphere.

How can I discuss it? Simple, I can read and write and I have an unclouded opinion.

Now, I'll ask again since you "always answer my questions", why do you think American citizens had Osama bin Freakazoid's cellphone number?

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Mistake Master said...

Stew you can't make any informed comments on this issue because no one but the NSA and Bush know what it involves.
You can read all you want but it is all opinion not fact. All we really know is that things were done. SO how do you know that Americans had Osama's cell #?
I can't begin to explain why people MIGHT have had Osama's cell #... I can't begin to think like a terrorist. I see no use in that. If I had to speculate I would say that they were sympathetic to his cause and wanted America out of the Islamic holy lands. They probably want to see US policy changed but feel powerless to stop the steady march of American facist policy.
Something like that


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