Sharp Objects in the Cabin! Oh My!
Listen here folks... Any blade that does not lock or is not fixed will more than likely cut off the wielders fingers rather than make a useful weapon. I have a Swiss Army knife that has a blade on it but if I try to do anything other than cut the cheese I am in trouble...
I don't even whittle with it.
So the uproar about small scissors is just so stupid.
I think that all passengers should be allowed to carry knives. Real sharp locking blades that can be used as weapons.
I say this in remembrance of the passengers who were able to overcome the hijackers and stop the terrorist attack on whatever they were headed for. I'll bet you that a few of them had knives. I'll bet you that they looked around and saw that the hijackers had little box cutters and knew that they could use their own blades to thwart the attack.
After all the problem isn't that people carry knives or even guns. The problem is that they do stupid things with them. Now we can't even defend ourselves.
Personally I'd like to see a marshal on every flight. Put a uniformed guard in the cabin, give the flight attendants (those who want it) training and arm them. Then let the regular passengers carry their little Swiss Army knives and scissors and whatever. If anybody starts anything they know that they are going to have to deal with a bunch of armed, pissed off passengers. Since the alternative is crashing into a building, I think that we will see a lot of coach schlubs (myself included) stabbing the shit out of terrorists.
A few incidents like that and we won't have this terrorist issue distracting us from the real problem of Bush and Co stealing American futures and dooming us to a life of misery and poverty.
So call the TSA and tell them. Let us carry knives.
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