Wake-Up Call
In a tragic event, a bridge spanning the Mississippi failed and collapsed.
The White House reaction was:
The Interstate 35W span rated 50 on a scale of 120 for structural stability, White House press secretary Tony Snow said.
"This doesn't mean there was a risk of failure, but if an inspection report identifies deficiencies, the state is responsible for taking corrective actions,"
"Doesn't mean there is a risk of failure", uhhhhm yes it does. Obviously it does. There are hundreds of bridges in use by the people we love that are similarly rated. Does that mean that we have a potential for collapse of hundreds of bridges?
I think it does.
Instead of spending our taxes on repairing American bridges, we are pouring $4,000.00 PER SECOND into Iraq.
What more can I say?
Perhaps you need a refresher on State rights?
Or perhaps I should realize that you're never going to make any sense... I'll just run it through the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:
What do you think of the bridge collapse
Collapse, eh? Get lost!!! We've SEEN this before, in 2002 in Vermont.
What happened in Vermont?
INTERESTING that you should mention "happened"!!!! U.S. get out of the U.$.A.. The 700 Club can flog depressed incarcerated veterans, all in the name of "protecting MARRIAGE"? That makes it okay, then!! (Honestly, I am being sarcastic. It is not okay, I get the feeling!?)
This might make perfect sense to you...
Can you tell me what the hell States rights have to do with spending $4000.00 per second in a war on Iraq instead of on American infrastructure? Seriously? I don't think that you can just dismiss it as liberal ranting. This isn't a liberal/conservative issue. It is an American issue. We are sending our fortune to die in the desert. I for one would rather fight the terrorists here than in Iraq. If they would like to, as Bush put it, "bring it on" then let them. For now we need to take care of our own. What is the use of having a "Homeland" when it is a rubbish heap?
can you also address how Tony Snow can claim an inspection that determined structural deficiencies is not an indication of risk of failure? That's like saying that a angiogram showing %80 blockage is not an indication of potential for heart attack.
Come on now. Stop the liberal bashing and address the post, or don't comment. I am sick of your "translator".
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