Here are the rules -
Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You."
People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly.
In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!
1: I believe that I can read peoples minds sometimes.
2: On my side of the bed, and only my side, the sheets get scrunched up in a fan-likke pattern under my body. When I sleep on the other side it doesn't happen.
3: I refuse to accept Pepsi when I order Coke, but I'll gladly take RC.
4: I've metal imbedded in my leg. A whole bar inside my tibia. It doesn't set off a metal detector though.
5: I cried tears when I was born. The doctor said that was very rare.
6: I think it was wrong to assisinate Saddam Hussein.
who to tag???
Deana (takes nice photos)
I don't know. We'll see
A few hundred thousand dead and/or tortured people would disagree with you (regarding that sweet fella Saddam).
Hey there brudder, I never called him sweet or innocent. I just think that we have no moral authority. I think (as the video showed) that this is a petty vindictive act dedicated to the thugs of the world.
I think it is wrong to tell the world that it is wrong to kill and just to prove it we are going to kill this man and make sure that everyone gets to see it.
Regarding torture, well American has NO moral ground AT ALL. We are trying to write torture into the Constitution, doing away with habeas corpus and then blaming privates as being "bad eggs".
So do you think that a few hundred thousand Iraqi's would think that we should hang Bush for his war crimes?
Saddam was not executed by Americans.
And what war crimes are you referring to there bro?
Saddam was excecuted as a result of the actions of the Bush administration i.e. America.
As for war crimes, here are a few:
Count 1
As part of an illegal doctrine of “preemptive war,” based on deliberate and conscious lies, and with no legitimate claim of self defense, the Bush administration planned, prepared and waged the supreme crime of a war of aggression in contravention of the United Nations Charter, the 1949 Geneva Convention [2] and the Nuremberg Principles.
Count 2
The Bush administrations authorized conduct of the war that involved the commission of “war crimes,” including by not limited to:
The targeting of Iraqi leaders in “decapitation” strikes, including prior to the official outbreak of the war included the following:
Targeting the civilian population of Iraq and civilian infrastructure by intentionally directing attacks upon civilians and hospitals, medical centers, residential neighborhoods, electricity stations, and water purification facilities, as well as intense and indiscriminate military operations against many cities and towns causing massive civilian casualties.
Using disproportionate force and weapon systems with indiscriminate effects, such as cluster munitions, incendiary bombs, depleted uranium (DU), and chemical weapons.
Using DU munitions with devastating long-term effects on human beings and the environment.
Extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. (Geneva Convention)
Seizure of, destruction of willful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion (Mosques), charity and education, the arts and sciences, historic documents and works of art and science.
Willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health. (Geneva Convention)
Attack, or bombardment, by whatever means, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings, and buildings. Wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, and devastation not justified by military necessity, for example, the wanton destruction of ancient Babylon, where U.S. troops are based with large numbers of troops and material, and the destruction and looting of ancient texts, artifacts, art, and the cultural history of one of the most ancient civilizations in the world.
Count 3
The Bush administration authorized the occupation of Iraq involving, and continuing to involve, the commission of “war crimes”, “crimes against humanity” and other illegal acts, including but not limited to:
The invasion, occupation and imposition of a U.S.-controlled provisional authority has violated the right of self-determination of the Iraqi people by its decrees, practices, imposition of an interim government, managed elections, and administered constitution-making process, violating Article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and of the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights (1966) which states: “(1) All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”
Unlawful attacks, including assassinations, summary executions, murders, disappearances, kidnappings and torture, including using deadly violence against peaceful protestors. Imposing punishments without charge or trial, including collective punishment.
Unlawful detention and torture, including by U.S. military personnel and by paramilitary civilian forces operating anonymously, including widespread, repeated and systematic use of torture and degrading treatment of Iraqi civilian and military personnel detained in prison facilities or covertly transferred to foreign countries known for torture and severe prison conditions, practices which are unconditionally prohibited by international law.
Failure to provide public order and safety, ensure vital services, or to protect Iraqi health and life, including by authorizing, ordering and condoning the systematic destruction of economic, social, cultural, medical, educational, governmental and diplomatic resources, properties and facilities throughout Iraq.
Actively creating conditions under which the status of Iraqi women has seriously been degraded and where many of their civil rights have been lost.
Re-writing the laws of a country that has been illegally invaded and occupied, including fundamental changes in Iraq’s economic structure, including the right of private foreign investors to retain 100% of any profits made in Iraq. Extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. (Geneva Convention)
Attack, or bombardment, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings.
Willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health. (Geneva Convention)
Willfully depriving a prisoner of war or a civilian of the rights of fair and regular trial. (Geneva Convention)Willfully devastating the environment, including through the use of DU munitions. Failing to protect humanity’s rich archaeological and cultural heritage in Iraq Systematically utilizing, controlling, directing, manipulating, misinforming and restricting press and media coverage and deliberately presenting false and misleading reports to obtain support for U.S. military and political and actions; and to deprive the American people of knowledge essential to develop an informed opinion which is essential to democratic processes and elections.
Ordering young people, American soldiers in particular, to commit terrible acts that will haunt them, their families and their communities. Their acts of torture of Iraqi detainees, and the killing of women, children, injured people, doctors, nurses, and the bombing of places of worship and hospitals will not only brutalize these soldiers individually, but will further the violence and militarization of American culture.
So that is a start
Holy crap, you never have a short point do you?
1. Saddam was captured by Americans. He was tried by the Iraq judicial system. He was subsequently put to death by Iraqis.
You probably just forgot that. It's okay.
2. The Iraq war is illegal? Really? Then why did the UN vote for it, John Kerry voted for the war before he voted against it. So did the Demorats. Look it up.
3 & 4. You've been reading the DailyKOS again haven't you? Name one hospital that the US targeted. Name one. C'mon sissy, we've been there for several years now. This should be easy!
Stop believing the lies, rumors and bullshit allegations from the liberal left. They've done nothing but prove that they'll do and/or say ANYTHING to make Bush look bad.
C'mon bro, you used to be smarter than this.
just replace "Stop believing the lies, rumors and bullshit allegations from the liberal left.
with "I have nothing of substance to dispute the charges of an illegal war so I'll just try to convince you that there is a concerted effort to undermine Bush"
Nevermind that he doesn't need any help with that. He has done nothing for American credibility except waste it on a war for profit.
The UN did NOT vote for the US invasion. We went to war in defiance of the UN. Remember? Coalition of the Willing? Poland, Lithuania, Uzbekistan and their 34 soldiers amassed with the much smaller forces of the Americans and British?
No Stew. It can't be that I am just deluded. There was a lesson from Vietnam. It was that America should never go to war without a clear mandate and a solid plan.
If you are the staunchest Bush defender you still have to admit that there was no plan except to get the no-bid contracts into place and disrupt oil production as quickly as possible.
Bush should be impeached and held responsible for the thousands of lives he has destroyed in the war for profit. The war to create terror. The war to bankrupt America so that there was no money for social security or other programs that help less fortunate Americans.
So tell me. Would you rather have your government provide you with a nuclear submarine equipped with atomic weapons or healthcare for you and your wife?
I repeat, Name one hospital that the US targeted. I just want one bro.
If you're going to spout on this bullshit liberal rhetoric I want you to do just one backing up, with facts other than comments in the Martian Anthropologists or DailyKos site.
And if you can't do it, I would like you to admit that you are wrong saying that.
And we'll go from there.
(And as to healthcare, that's the least of my worries. Because I can afford to pay it myself if need be. As to my money being stolen from me by liberal politicians to pay for some loser that can't hold a job and get his own insurance, YES I'D MUCH RATHER HAVE THE SUBMARINE.)
Hadeetha and Al Qiem
so it strikes me that from " Targeting the civilian population of Iraq and civilian infrastructure by intentionally directing attacks upon civilians and hospitals, medical centers, residential neighborhoods, electricity stations, and water purification facilities, as well as intense and indiscriminate military operations against many cities and towns causing massive civilian casualties. you take one item, hospitals, and claim that unles I produce one hospital that was targeted the entire argument is discredited. Well I did produce an example and it was more than one. So will you look closely again at the entire statement? Take off the blinders.
Okay, you can't name a hospital. Name one Iraqi family that was targeted. Or name one civilian that the US targeted. Just one.
We can play this game all day.
What I want you to realize is that the US forces aren't targeting the civilian population, the terrorists are.
I really want you to consider this.
Stew, Haditha hospital is a hospital. There are witnesses. You can't say that I am unable to name a hospital. As for naming an Iraqi family, I repeat to you that it is irrational to cling to one tiny portion of a premise as grounds for discrediting the entire argument. I can't name a family for you. I can see the actions taken in the name of America under the direction of W. What about the use of depleted uranium? The bombing of the infrastructure? What about the lies that got us there in the first place? What about the fact that Bush illegaly spies on Americans? How about the seech he gave almost two years into the illegal spying program where he stated to the American people, "you gotta have a court order for a wiretap, nothing has changed folks" then after he is busted claiming that he had the right? What about the hundreds of billions of our dollars spent on this? How are we better off?
I don't care that you want me to acknowledge that the "Us forces aren't targeting the population, the terrorists are" that make no relevance to incidents that have already happened. The terrorists are the minority of the fighters there anyway. It is "mostly insurgents" according to the US's own assessment. I care that you are ready to dismiss as liberal lies anything that illustrates how our actions are misguided, un-effective and counterproductive to peace and stability. I care that in Bush's last speech he called for attacking Iran and Syria. More attacks! Just what we need. I care that in spite of pretty much everybody's advice he wants to send more troops. So stop trying to hide the forest behind the trees. It ain't gonna work. If you have some secret knowledge about how this is good for America let me in on it and maybe I'll reconsider but the tired refrain of " fight the terrorists over there" and "never forget 9-11" are not cutting it for me.
I'm not picking just one instance, I'm trying to get you to realize that your practice of building a case by believing the crap that liberals spew forth is just flat stupid.
Haditha (or Hadeetha) was a hospital treating terrorists. It was attacked after it was emptied of patients and staff because the doctors were treating the people trying to kill American troops.
So I wonder if you still think of it as "wrong" to remove this "hospital" from the face of the earth? Or have you become so anti war that you think it's a good idea to give aid and comfort to the enemy?
And you are flat wrong that most of the fighting is being done by anyone other than terrorists. The insurgents ARE terrorists.
So like I said, if you're going to claim moral superiority on incorrect facts, I want you to admit that you were wrong to say that.
look, it is never okay to abandon our ideals or morality while attempting to enforce morality or idealism. We can't excuse our actions by saying that there were extenuating circumstances. Doctors have to care for the injured. That is what they do. Should we kill doctors that are not loyal to American forces? No. We could have done it differently. Maybe the civilian patients were already gone and it was just doctors and insurgenterrorists. We can't secure the hospital with a bunch of wounded men without firing on it? Come on? we are better than that. So aside from the count of attacking a hospital where are you on the rest of the inditments?
Count 1 - Innocent
Count 2 - HAHAHAHAHAAAAA oh GOD (Innocent) (ask me why, PUHLEEEEZE!!!)
Count 3 - Innocent, however I do believe that you have a point in that statement, "Actively creating conditions under which the status of Iraqi women has seriously been degraded". Because under Saddam's reign they were simply tortured and/or killed. So I'll give you that one on a technicality.
The point that I think that universally liberal whacko moonbats and right wing rethuglican goons (aka evil rich) can agree upon is that the politicians should let the military fight the war. The more political the war, the worse it is for everyone.
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