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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The result of an "ownership society"

I think the current administration does not care about most Americans:

An October report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that 2004 was the fifth consecutive year in which the number of Americans in households at risk of hunger increased.
So instead of dealing with Americans (many of whom work at least one job) who are hungry, the USDA decided to stop calling them "hungry". We should change it to something that sounds more "compassionate" to match the Neo-Con rhetoric. So the Bush administration appointees came up with the new lable.
Now the USDA calls hungry people, “food-insecure”. American households, who remember are no longer hungry but "insecure about getting food" rose to 38.2 million last year,(2005) including 13.8 million children.

God bless the child whose got his own...

Barbara Bush has her purse snatched while being guarded by the SS...

Out-of-wedlock births in the United States have climbed to an all-time high, accounting for nearly four in 10 babies born last year, government health officials said. Clearly abstinence only programs are working well.

Kissenger claims there is no way for military victory to be achieved in Iraq (but we shoud stay for a few more years just to be sure)

almost 40 million people have AIDS

why are we spending trillions on death and killing?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Feels So Good

I can't WAIT for the tax and spending to start! No really if Pelosi can run a honest government I will be even more happy about our nations prospects. It is important that the Democrats don't prove themselves to be the lesser of two evils. I hope that this Congress will show America that when government works for the good of all people and not for the good of those in power, we truly are the greatest nation, ever, in the history of nations, in the universe! YEAH! TAKE THAT ALPHA CENTAURI!
I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me.
So if we can get the senate I will be expecting some ImpeachOramavision...
I'd like to see the congress:
>investigate some of these shady dealings
>make Haliburton pay back the billions
>get Iraq Iran and the Palestinians to agree to stop blowing up each other and Israel over a family feud over a birthright
>stop North Korea from building atomic weapons
>stop spending billions for bombs
>start spending billions for America
>take steps to return protection for our wilderness areas
>mandate a really good snow year for Mt Hood

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Well Then I'll Say It

If you are a poor, desperate young American, the US military wants you as cannon fodder. See, now that there is no draft, it is getting harder and harder to fill the ranks of warm bodied 'Mericans who we can send in front of the likes of Don Rumsfeld and his generals, to absorb the bullets and explosions from IED's. If you are smart you'll get into a good school and then land a job in the private sector where you can watch the carnage from a safe distance, much like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Snow, Rice, and the rest of them.
For those of you dumb enough to join the military, don't for a second think that you're anything other than a tool. You are a tool. Property of the US military. Hell Rumsfeld doesn't even care enough about your life to even sign the letter to your parents telling them you died. He has an auto-pen do it for him. He must be too busy ignoring the obvious to actually get involved with a signature. Kerry should have said to the kids "now that the military is so desperate for bodies that they can only meet the enrollment goals by lowering standards it is more important than ever to get a good education otherwise you'll end up a disabled Vet with no benefits"
It'll be that or you'll go to jail for following orders.
For the people who believe that the US military is good all I can say to you is you are accomplices in mass murder.
I know that there are good people who do bad things. I know that the military has performed aid missions, provided logistical support etc. But all of those actions are embroiled in the overarching mission of the US military. We kill, blow up and destroy life.
It is no different than Hezbolla providing aid to hospitials and schools. They are still committed to violence to achive their objectives.
I reject the American War Machine.
It is too bad that so many people still believe that we need to spend more money than any other nation ever on things that make people die.