Gee I dunno uhhmm Bush Sucks... How about that
My brother says he wants to become a liberal now...
I apologize that I am just ranting about Bush sucking. Really I wanted to say something about the war on terror and the supreme court nominations and all that but it has been so long since I posted anything... I just have to address these issues regarding how backward and distorted Stew's views are on liberals vs. conservatives.
He claims that liberals are morally corrupt and hypocritical. I guess that one could make that assertion. Having made it about liberals though, he should make the same assertion about conservatives. I don't think any of the current political ideologies are immune from the charge of hypocrisy or corruption.
Liberals and conservatives are two sides of the same coin. The Republicans and the Democrats are the same party. There is no point pretending that identifying with either liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican proves one to be: moral, incorruptible, honest, compassionate or thoughtful.
Being conservative doesn't mean what the name implies anymore. In America being conservative means believing that whatever Bush and the Republicans say is right and conversely the Democrats are wrong no matter what they are saying.
In a post that my brother made recently he stated that "If the caring liberal left would put in half as much effort in trying to help single parent families as they do bashing the Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, this would be a much better place."
I was sort of stunned since it seems to me that all the Bush administration has been doing since seizing power has been to cut the government out of all social services.
Bush wants to dismantle the social apparatus that has been put in place (mostly by Democrats) to assist these indigent populations and lonely single mothers. Clinton put welfare mothers back to work. It was a reviled effort that somehow worked better than anyone expected.
NATIONWIDE DATA SHOW MILLIONS GOING TO WORK. According to reports filed by the 46 states competing for the bonus, more than 1.3 million welfare recipients nationwide went to work in just the one year period between October 1997 and September 1998. Retention rates were also promising: 80 percent of those who got jobs were still working three months later. States also reported an average earnings increase of 23 percent for former welfare recipients, from $2,088 in the first quarter of employment to $2,571 in the third quarter.
WELFARE CASELOAD CUT BY MORE THAN HALF SINCE 1993. The President is also releasing new welfare caseload numbers showing 6.9 million recipients on welfare as of June 1999, a decrease of 7.2 million or 51 percent since 1993. The number of recipients as a proportion of the total U.S. population is now at 2.5 percent, the lowest since 1967. The number of people who have left welfare since the President took office (7.2 million) now exceeds the number remaining on the rolls (6.9 million) for the first time.
Bush wants to create a panic regarding Social Security and impose means testing and cut benefits, put money into the stock market (where it can be managed by his buddies for lots of cash payments, no matter what happens to your money they get paid)and cover his massive "defense" budget with these proceeds. So he really doesn't want to cut the Federal budget. He just doesn't want to see any of the tax dollars go to social programs. Well except Christian based er.. faith based programs.
To say that the liberals have not been active in efforts to help the poor and disadvantaged and imply at the same time that the conservatives have been makes my head spin. I have to believe that the opinions Stew express are based in his ideology are shared by many others. Imagine how many people, who think that they are caring and compassionate, believe that the Republicans are thwarting the Democrats in trying to abuse the poor by providing them with assistance. But I don't get the logic that cutting social assistance helps people who have nothing.
There are people who are lazy and do nothing to help themselves. There are a lot of people who really try but get lost in the system. I do not think that it is my responsibility to take care of everyone down on their luck. I do believe that we as the most advanced nation in the world (argue away) we should be able to do things like make sure that people who are mentally insane get taken care of, people who make a bad decision should get assistance so that they can work and regain their lives without having a bank take away their house. We can do so much more here at home than we are doing. We opt to do the work in Iraq instead. We send billions of dollars of taxpayer money to this "War on Terror" or now "Global struggle against radical extremism" as we are to call it now.
It is like we are driving along and a Bridge Out sign is in the road. We don't stop as a sane person would do, instead we step on the gas. We are hurtling to the edge and gaining speed instead of realizing we are going to fly of the bridge and get smashed to pieces.
So to bring it all home, Bush sucks. All his administrators are evil in their disregard to the rest of America in pursuit of profit and for me to say I told you so makes me feel no better. I wish I was wrong about this but I fear I am not.
Stew get your ass to Portland you cheap assed liberal wannabe