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Liberal TreeHugger

I am a conservative but unlike the current breed of "conservatives" I do not believe that the Republican Party is conservative. The current administration is hell bent on spending money taking away rights and playing a shell game with our taxes. I am starting this post to be a direct assault on the radical conservative movement that seeks to distort the record, lie and dupe the American voters into believing they care, are right, and are conservative.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Mohammad is just a prophet, can we check in with Allah on the killings please?

A Pakistani cleric announced a $1 million bounty for killing a cartoonist who drew the Prophet Muhammad as thousands joined street protests after Friday prayers.

Denmark, which first published the cartoons, temporarily closed its embassy and advised its citizens to leave Pakistan.

Prayer leader Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi is an idiot.

1. There was not ONE cartoonist, there were about a dozen.
3. He has a very unfortunate name so I'm not surprised he wants people killed.
4. He is a fanatic who is possessed with rage because no one in the world except his Pakistani sheep cares what he thinks or that mohammad said this or that.

So would the Muslim population please tell your clerics that they are nuts when the call for murder? Can’t we prosecute him under the RICO statues? I mean it is not much of a stretch. We have the Mafia calling for murders and we go after them. This guy wants to kill people over a cartoon.

Then on the other side we hear Rummy:

In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Rumsfeld sounded a theme he frequently raises as a key to eventually winning the global war on terrorism: countering anti-Western messages from Islamic extremists.

“Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today’s media age, but for the most part we — our country, our government — has not adapted,” he said.

Because we are too busy sorting out the "Domestic Terrorist" chatter like my conversations with my mom about how this administration is corrupt and needs to go to jail. So we have not spent any time countering the Islamic fanatics, but we have bombed the crap out of them. WHY DON'T THEY LIKE US?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Poor Guy I almost Feel Sorry for Him

Cheney obviously feels bad about shooting his friend. I think is good that he is taking responsibility for his actions.

I don't care that much for all the hysteria surrounding the hunting incident. It really serves no purpose except to make him feel bad and mock him publicly. I'm all for mocking him publicly but I think there are a lot more important issues we should be focused on. Things like keeping Gay's from marrying, keeping steroids out of Tee-Ball, dismantling the Federal government, destroying Social Security, torturing Muslims. The list goes on and on.

Of course Cheney was drinking. I would say that almost all hunters drink, A LOT. Drinking is the real reason for going out hunting. Drinking and well, shooting your friends.

I would feel sorry for him if he hadn't lived a life of such brutality. I think it is just his karma coming back to hit him in this life. He'd better watch out though because karma usually doesn't pay one back until the next life. So he must be so loaded up on pain and suffering for his next life that the universe had to let some spill over into this one.
I hope his buddy doesn't die. We would be talking manslaughter then. If that were to happen America would really get to see just how above the law these people think they are.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney, bored with watching violent killings in Iraq takes ACTION!

No seriously all this proves is that Cheney is human and has the ability to make mistakes.

Or does it?

Maybe he is NOT capable of making mistakes and this was done on purpose.

If he can make mistakes (and does indeed have a soul as I have often questioned) then why won't he start to admit other areas where he has been mistaken?
Iraq policy, Domestic policy, energy policy, the lsit goes on.

Before this incident I think Americans assumed that he was incapable of error due to his being the firstborn son of Satan. It is well understood that dieties rarely make mistakes.
This incident only shows that he is like the rest of us. Like us with the exception that he will not get arrested, tested for drugs, or alcohol and basically get to shoot a man for sport. It must be nice to be royalty.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Muslims are no fun

"We are a nation that can't forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values."

"Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to ... we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,"

Sounds to me like we have a case of overestimating the importance of ones prophet.

I know I'm an infidel and all but seriously this is just a bit overblown. I think that anyone who is willing to die or kill because someone makes a joke about their religion is an idiot.

These Islamic fanatics need to take off the burka, crack open a cold beer, eat some baby back ribs and start smoking weed. Then they can move on to the more important things like tripping on acid while watching The Wizard of Oz played to Dark Side of the Moon. TRIP OUT!
I know Stew thinks I love the terrorists but really I think they are so Old Testement. This whole thing is just a family feud that has been going on for millenia. It is time we just agreed that Jacob stole the birthright and that it was wrong. Give the Muslims a couple million goats, a few thousand camels and some olive groves and let's start having a good time until the sun burns out or we all die from a virus.